Beautiful Storm

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2 months ago on this day me and Skylar arrived in Los Angeles , who would have thought that our lives would change this much? Things have been amazing but this past days everything is crazy around here. Mine and Chases 1 month anniversary was coming up, Bryce and Sky were officially dating, Jaden and Josh broke up and moved out, we had a lot of good and bad days but we pulled through.
We had one day till Skys birthday, we organized an awesome party in the hills,we just had our pre birthday breakfast and went to meet the guys at our favorite meeting spot everything was going well until me and Chase had a big fight it was like a thunderstorm on a sunny day.
We have been fighting a lot lately because of a girl that was trying to come between us, Olivia ,she was a real bitch ,I can't even count how many days I wanted to accidentally drown her in the pool.
Chase:She finally did it!
Chase:She got in your head!!
Chase:From the moment you started obsessing over her I can't even recognize you!!!
Jo:Well I can't either!
Jo:This is just to much, its too far,I can't deal with your crazy now!
In that moment Chase made the most hurtful expression, turned around and left.
Sky:What happened?Everything was fine,and you know that every moment I'm with you but you went too far...
Jo:You too?
Jo:What the hell,you are supposed to be by my side...I'm sorry,I can't...
I left the gathering and at first I was planning on going home but I just continued walking, I wasn't ready to stop I had so much anger in me I wanted to scream, cry,fight anything was better than silence.
It finally happened, I finally lost my mind I thought to myself...I went up the stairs and got in the apartment when I saw everybody standing around looking worried.
Jo:What's going on?
Ryland:Chase is gone ,his phone is off,he's not home or anywhere else we thought he might be. He's not well and we can't so anything but sit around!!!
Jo:Don't worry I'm sure his battery died and he'll probably be back soon.
Sky:See that's the problem, while you two were fighting you brought up something really serious that he's trying to move past and fix it.
Jo:What are you even talking about, I was hurt too!!We both said some hurtful things.
Sky:You don't get it!
Sky:Chase is bipolar!
Sky:God knows where he is or what he's doing, he might be in danger and we don't even know.
Bryce:I mean for all we know he might be lost...
Jo:Lost...your right...
Jo:Omg! That's it!!
Jo:Ryland get the car keys I think I know where he is!
It was raining and we were driving slowly down the road trying to find the little coffee bar next to the road. I saw it and just screamed at Ryland to turn, I couldn't even wait for him to park I jumped out of the car and started running towards the garden,I triped and almost fell a few times but it all seemed unimportant. I got to the garden and started looking and running through the flowers but he wasn't there ,I wasn't ready to give up so I went up to the place where we kissed and there he was.

 I got to the garden and started looking and running through the flowers but he wasn't there ,I wasn't ready to give up so I went up to the place where we kissed and there he was

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I jumped on top of him. I couldn't worry less about the mud ,the rain the storm...
He was there and he was okay and that for now was enough.
Jo:Thank god you're okay...
Jo:I don't know what I would do without you, don't ever ever do this again!!
Jo:And I am truly sorry about everything I said and were right, I have changed but only because I found you and I didn't want to lose you to another girl.
Chase:You'll never lose me.
Chase:I'll always be in your corner, taking care of you and being overprotective.
We were a mess so we got up and went to find Ryland ,he explained everything about his life being bipolar and after hearing him out things started making sense.

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