He Once Was Lost, But Now Is Found. But I'm Not Happy.

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        Aragorn, Gimli, and Gandalf ran through the forest. Tracking the Orcs was proving to be very easy, but they were a day behind. They had stopped during the night to make camp, as traveling through Greenwood could still be dangerous; especially at night. They saw the Orcs hideout in the distance and were getting closer. Aragorn felt a sense of urgency stronger than that of the others with him. Arwen would kill him if he failed to help his friend. Legolas had been a dear friend of hers for a long time. But what if the Orcs killed Legolas?

        No! Aragorn thought to himself. Do not even consider such things!

        The three quickly reached the Orcs' shelter. They took out the guards at the front and burst in. They slew all the Orcs and Uruk-hai within reach. A few managed to get away, but Aragorn knew that there weren't enough of them left for an attack. The Orcs and Uruk-hai would soon be extinct. Aragorn heard a scream and ran toward the sound. He ran into a dark room, the only light coming from the doorway. He saw Legolas dangling unconscious from the ceiling by one arm. The other was ripped from his body and still in the knot keeping Legolas suspended in the air. A pool of blood gathered below the Elf.

        Aragorn took one look and fell to his knees. A scream of agony escaped his lips as Gimli and Gandalf joined him.


A/N Okay, this was a short chapter. I just didn't want to write something longer about Legoals losing his arm. BTW there are only about 5-7 Orcs/Uruk-hai left, and they were killed by men outside the shelter. All the baddies are dead. YYAAYY.  As usual, two comments for an update.

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