Hey! hey you! Check out this loser: Unknownuser55555
George hated the soulmate string that was tied to his left hand's pinky.
You see, everyone in the world had a soulmate, at least most people did. It was like a 1 in 250 million chance to not have a soulmate.
So when he turned 18 and he felt a tug on the string tied to his finger he was filled with joy.
Five years later and the tugging was annoying.
Trying to sleep? Not when your soulmate violently tugs on the string.
Trying to eat? Nope, your hand gets tugged to the side.
Trying to drive? Yeah, but not with your hand that has the string attached to it.
George couldn't go a single day without being annoyed. Sure, he was glad to have a soulmate in the first place, but it doesn't mean that he had to like them.
There was one time he was trying to eat soup by holding the bowl up and his soulmate tugged on the string pretty violently.
Needless to say his mom was not happy with the mess he made on her table cover.
Ever since, he's disliked it. They were far away anyways. He'd been standing on a London rooftop one night, watching his string span the length of the city and then some, long enough so that he couldn't see it anymore.
George was recording a video with Dream, a minecraft manhunt where he was supposed to be speedrunning the game with Dream chasing him.
They'd been in an end fight for almost ten minutes already, George trying to kill the dragon with Dream trying to kill him was difficult. He'd managed to explode some end crystals when the [The End?] achievement for Dream popped up in chat.
"No! I killed you a few minutes ago how are you here?!" George focused on taking the crystals out, breaking two more before Dream hit him with a bow.
"I am speed." Dream laughed, "Come here George!" The laugh melted into maniacal giggles as George ran away.
"No!" George shot Dream's character, pulling back another arrow to launch at a remaining crystal.
Dream's laughing made George nervous, they fought in game, Dream turning around and running to eat. George chases him until they were cornered on the edge of the end map.
"This is it!" George yelled, "Yes!" Seeing Dream's character fall into the void. There weren't any pearls this time to save him. His death message popped up in game chat.
"No!" Dream yelled, his headset hitting his desk as he punched the air. Simultaneously, George's left hand was jerked to the side and he scoffed.
"Stupid string." George rolled his eyes, planting his left hand back on his mouse and continuing his end fight.
"What?" Dream asked, headset back on.
"My soulmate keeps jerking my hand around like an idiot." George replied, "but it doesn't matter because I'm gonna win this now." He settled the comment with a laugh, using beds to blow up the dragon a few times.
"Oh you mean like this?" Clay laughed, putting his hand up. We're not soulmates anyways, this'll be funny.
"Shut up, you're not my soulmate that's not gonna work." George rolled his eyes as he continued to hit the dragon.
Clay pulled his hand to the side, tugging at the string a few times. George went silent, feeling the string get yanked.
"Did it work? Are we lovers like the world wants us to be?" Clay laughed, using his in game character to build a house at spawn, knowing George was going to win the manhunt in no time.

dreamnotfound / gream • one shot / short story book
Fanfictionone shots/short stories of dream and George bc they're the cutest together ok? - attention: this book is in no way meant to be harmful towards Dream or George! If either of them are uncomfortable with shipping or decide that they no longer want to b...