So it's like minecraft but also real
Like there's the end and nether and potions and biomes and whatnot but things and people look human.
Hey Unknownuser55555 I'm still tagging u even tho this is SIN you stinky
Warnings: borderline maturity, unwanted affection (at first)
-Dream held his hand above the open flame, his friend watching in awe as he stuck his hand into the flame uncaring, the potion of fire resistance in effect.
"Dude Dream! That's so cool!" Sapnap wowed at the sight in front of him. "Let me try."
Nick picked up the orange liquid, taking a swig from it and sticking his hand into the fire. He pulled it away quickly, thinking he would still get burned but no burn came. Only mild warmth.
"I've been working on a few potions the last few weeks, there's this weird red one that I'm worried to try but I think I'll drink it later today." Clay laughed, putting out the flame and closing the door to his potion cabinet.
"I still can't believe you pranked is with that invis pot a few weeks ago, you're insane." Nick praised, burping as the orange potion swirls faded away.
"I'm just good with potions. Invis potions were supposed to be almost impossible to make." Clay looked at the red potion sitting on his counter in his brewing building.
He'd learned the hard way that he needed to build a separate place to brew potions. One particularly nasty potion caused the last building to blow up, taking a chunk out of his house.
Nick stood, adjusting his white bandana. "Thanks for showing me how to make the fire protection potion, now Bad and I can finally go to the nether and not fucking die because he tripped us into lava."
"Hey, can you see if George is home for me?" Clay asked, hoping Nick would stop by George's dark oak house. Nick nodded, waving a goodbye as he mounted a horse and took off.
Dream smiled, seeing a message pop up: Sapnap whispered: he's home!
Dream looked carefully at his cauldron and brewing stand. The stand was empty, with some glistening melon waiting at the top to be added to a potion.
Dream shrugged, grabbing the red potion and putting it in the brewing stand, allowing the melon to be added. He sat on the floor while he waited, keeping his inventory bad in order as the potion bubbled. The red faded into a pinkish-purple color that Dream had never seen before.
He pulled the bottle out, popping a cork into the top of it to be safe as he swirled it around. The color faded and brightened, glistening like potions do. He pulled the cork back out, letting the scent of the mixture waft in the air for a moment. It was sickly sweet, sweeter than the chorus fruit that grew deep in the end dimension.
He turned the bottle up, letting a drop of it fall into his mouth. The worst the potion could do is kill him... right? After all, he would respawn where his bed was located if it did.
He shrugged, not really caring what the potion did as he drank all of it. The more of the potion you drink, the longer it lasts. In the corner of his eye he saw '32:33' counting down, meaning he had that much time until the potion stopped working.
He felt fine right now, the liquid making his stomach all warm as it went into effect.
"Must've been a dud." Dream tossed the empty glass bottle into the lava trash can. He made sure to check everything over before leaving his brewing hut.
Dream approaches his horse who backed away warily. He gave her a confused look, "it's okay Honey, the potion was a dud, no explosions this time." He laughed, holding his hand out to her. She let him mount her, running him back to the small village where the group built their houses. He tied her lead to a fence in the farm area, leaving her a few hay bales to munch on.

dreamnotfound / gream • one shot / short story book
Fanfictionone shots/short stories of dream and George bc they're the cutest together ok? - attention: this book is in no way meant to be harmful towards Dream or George! If either of them are uncomfortable with shipping or decide that they no longer want to b...