sad oneshot to jubilee line by Wilbur Soot Bc that song is good and my first song fic in a while
Warnings: death, suicide, angst
wasting your timeGeorge stared out of the plane window sadly. He was leaving Florida from visiting his boyfriend of a year.
wasting mine
Clay watched from the parking lot as planes landed and left. The one he'd just left the love of his life to board thirty minutes ago. There were drying tears on his face.
i hate to see you leaving
The tears came back as he was driving home, making himself further and further away from George because he couldn't stay at the airport until George came back.
a fate worse than dying
Clay drove through Orlando with watery eyes, trying his best to focus on the road rather than the boy who held the keys to his heart and soul.
your city gave me asthma
George coughed, the humid Florida air feeling weird in his lungs.
"Are you getting sick?" Clay asked him from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around George's waist.
"I hope not." George felt his lungs demand him to cough once more. "I've only got a few days left here and I don't want to be sick."
that's why i'm fucking leaving
George's watched the sky go from bright to dark as the hours passed in the sky. His heart growing heavy at the wonderful memories that were exactly that, memories.
and your water gave me cancer
Clay splashed George with water from the ocean a few times playfully, George tried to block it with his hands but it didn't work.
"Clay!" George laughed, "it's cold stop!"
"Come on! It's not that cold, you're just a wimp." Clay splashed him again with laughter bubbling in his throat.
George stopped towards Clay in the thigh deep saltwater. Pushing him back into the water and yelping when Clay pulled him down too.
Clay was holding him close and laughing, hugging into the smaller boy's side as water trickled down their once dry torsos.
"I love you." Clay laughed, seeing George's pouting face.
and the pavement hurt my feelings
Clay tried to focus on the road through crying eyes. The lights blurring in his vision as he tried to ignore that he wouldn't see George again for a while.
That's when he heard the honk of a horn.
And felt the burning of pavement against skin.
shout at the wall
George got off of the plane, driving home.
cause the walls don't fucking love you
He arrived home before he got the first call. It was Clay's sister.
He ignored it once, until she called him again. He picked up.
shout at the wall
Her voice was broken.
Tears fell down George's face as he was delivered the news.
cause the walls don't fucking love you
Clay was dead.
"He got into a wreck on his way back- George- I'm so sorry." She cried into the phone.
there's a reason london puts barriers on the tube lines
George went numb, dropping the phone.
Falling to his knees in anguish, overwhelming sadness in his heart as he let out a desperate crying scream.
there's a reason london puts barriers on the rails
He trudged through his apartment slowly, feeling nothing as he set some food out for Cat.
He pulled out a pen and piece of paper, sealing the letter in an envelope and putting it on the counter.
there's a reason london puts barriers on the tube lines
George picked up his phone from the ground, sending a text to his mother, telling her to come over and that the door was unlocked.
there's a reason london puts barriers on the rails
George weaved through the London crowds, making his way through the city and to the rail services. People giving him weird looks when they saw he was crying.
there's a reason london puts barriers on the tube lines
The train was about to speed past the subway station.
"I love you too, Clay."
there's a reason they fail
George let himself fall in front of it.
685 words,
I'm sorryBut check out Unknownuser55555

dreamnotfound / gream • one shot / short story book
Fanfictionone shots/short stories of dream and George bc they're the cutest together ok? - attention: this book is in no way meant to be harmful towards Dream or George! If either of them are uncomfortable with shipping or decide that they no longer want to b...