So for some reason my tags aren't working at all which means you guys need to check out @unkownuser_55555 anyway
-The cafe Clay worked at was small.
It was in a college town, no surprise. Tucked away between old buildings that were refurbished to look better.
Clay himself didn't fit the aesthetic of this quaint, adorable building. He was tall, looming over many of the customers that walked in. He had deep green eyes that matched the greenery hanging from the ceiling. He'd been told that his voice could almost imitate the comfortable environment of the shop.
He loved it.
It made for a safe way to spend his evenings, serving pastries and coffee to fellow college students. He found ways to mingle with them, talking with the elderly lady who constantly lost her cat, occasionally flirting with the short British boy who came here every other day, asking the group of high school kids who came to hang out there how their day was.
Clay took pride in being one of the most requested baristas at the cafe. He doubted it was because of his skill to make a latte and rather preferred to say it was hit wit and charm.
The bell above the door rang and his roommate Nick strutted in happily, winking at Clay playfully before approaching him at the counter.
Nick was one of two best friends he'd made in college, spending hours upon hours with him studying, at parties, chilling in their room playing Minecraft, and everything in between.
"Ew, why are you here?" Clay taunted with fake disgust in his voice.
"I'm here to take your man on a date." Nick teased back. "I'm just kidding, I'm hungy and wanted you to make me food that isn't ramen noodles or mac n cheese."
"Oh I'm Nick, I'm hungy. Feed me Clay, I'm hungy." Clay taunted, mocking Nick's words in a high pitched voice, ignoring what he first said. "You want a grilled cheese, don't you?"
Nick grinned widely, "Oh buddy oh pal, you know me so well." Nick jumped over the counter, leaning up to press a platonic kiss to Clay's cheek.
"Get off me idiot," Clay laughed, pushing him away. "You know the deal, three dollars for the sandwich and one for the water I know you want."
Nick pulled out his wallet and handed Clay the four dollars for the meal. "And here I was hoping my extremely good looks would get me a free meal."
"What 'extremely good looks' you're the ugliest thing I've seen, and I've met your mom." Nick flipped him off as he sat down at a booth, pulling out his phone while Clay went to make the sandwich.
He was the only one working this evening, set to close in a few hours. It was a Friday before a holiday week, meaning most of his usual customers would be going home to visit family.
The bell above the door jingled happily as a familiar face walked in and sat at his usual spot in the corner of the cafe, where it was quietest. "I'll be with you in a moment!" Clay didn't turn to see who walked in.
He finished making Nick's food, carrying it over to his friend while humming some Avicii song. "Here's your shit asshole." He sat the plate down and Nick smiled at him.
"Your lover boy is here." He said lowly, nodding to where the British boy was seated. "Go talk to him and get his number or something."
"What if he's not, you know."
"Clay, your ability to pay so little attention to your surroundings surprises me every time. His laptop has a gay pride flag sticker on it, dumbass." Nick laughed. "You're such an idiot, now go do your thing." Nick pushed on Clay's apron, sending him in the boy's direction before biting into the sandwich.
Clay admired the boy's features as he walked closer. Every time he saw the boy, he noticed new things about him. The boy's eyes almost seemed to sparkle when happy. He carried this radius of pure energy that made Clay's heart warm.
"Hi," Clay started, "can I get you anything today?" He smiled, seeing the boy do the same as he looked up.
"A small French vanilla latte and a chocolate donut if you have one please." The boy's voice was soft and kind, the accent making it all kinds of better.
"Of course, I'll be right back." Clay smiled again, quickly returning to the boy with his order. "Do you mind if I sit with you?"
The boy's cheeks flushed pink. "Um, no go ahead."
Clay slid into the seat across from the shorter, leaning back into the seat comfortably. "You know, I've worked here for a while now and I've never thought to ask you your name."
"That's because every time you try to flirt with me you always forget to ask." The boy smiled, bringing the latte to his lips. "It's George."
"George," Clay smiled. "I'm-."
"Clay, I know you. We've got Peterson's advanced coding together." George picked the donut up, pulling it apart and handing one half to Clay.
Clay shook his head, denying the offer. "How come I never noticed someone as pretty as you there before?"
George turned red. "I usually sit near the back," he shrugged, "but the reason you couldn't find me is because you took all the beauty in the room for yourself."
Clay was shocked- the usually quiet kid who sat in this spot for as long as Clay knew him was flirting. With him.
"I can't argue with that," Clay laughed, "I'm a very gorgeous human being."
"You're not wrong." George giggled, and Clay saw Nick give him a wink from a few tables over.
"Since you think I'm so gorgeous," Clay started, feeling nervousness arise in his gut. "Why don't we go to dinner tomorrow evening?"
"I'd like that." The Brit smiled, "take my number."
They chatted for a while before George had to leave, he waved goodbye to Clay happily before taking off down the sidewalk.
"So, you scored a hot date huh?" Nick appeared beside him, poking him with his elbow playfully.
"Shut up," Clay smiled, thinking of the short British boy happily.
He really hoped their date would go well.
Shitty short 1050 word oneshot bc I can
I'm trying to write one or two angsty ones and it's HARD and I'm trying to update Split and it's HARD.
I think I'm going through some sort of writers block. It might just be the fact that summer is close to ending and I'll have to go back to school and might not be able to update as much.
I'll try my best to get content out though!

dreamnotfound / gream • one shot / short story book
Fanfictionone shots/short stories of dream and George bc they're the cutest together ok? - attention: this book is in no way meant to be harmful towards Dream or George! If either of them are uncomfortable with shipping or decide that they no longer want to b...