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Getting out of the mansion was easy for Della. Donald could sleep through a tornado if he wanted to. Good thing too, because if he knew what she was up to, he'd chain her to the bed and the bed to the floor.

The problem was actually getting to the rocket. Sure, it wasn't quite finished, but it was close enough. And besides, Scrooge built the Spear of Selene for her to use anyhow, so no harm no foul, right?

After giving each of her eggs one last kiss goodbye, Della slipped out of the window and closed it behind her. What she didn't count on, however, was her three year old daughter, Clarissa, outside in the garden, saying goodnight to the pretty flowers.

Della tried to sneak past her daughter, but she still heard, "Mommy?"

Breathing in to hide her shock, Della turned to the little girl and smiled. "Mommy's just gonna go on a late night adventure, sweetie. I'll be right back."

"Donny and Cooge go too?" she asked.

Shaking her head, Della answered, "No, they're not coming with me. And you can't tell them either, okay?"

"Why mommy go?" Clarissa asked, looking at her mother.

She sighed. Della couldn't stand the way Clarissa was looking at her. "Why don't we play a game, huh?"

Clarissa's eyes lit up with excitement. "I love game! What play?"

"It's a game where you close your eyes and count for as long as you can. Do you think you can do that?" Della asked.

Clarissa nodded excitedly.

"Good. Now close your eyes and start counting."

"One... two... three..."

Della had taken her car and left. After a while, Clarissa heard the doors burst open and two ducks go through. She opened her eyes to see a burst of red and orange light in the distance.

"I can't believe you! I specifically told you not to let her go!" Donald shouted at Scrooge.

"There's no time to worry about that," Scrooge replied. "We have to get to the control center and talk her back down!"

"Where mommy go?" Clarissa asked, startling the two adults.

"C-Clarissa? Did Della... leave her?" Donald asked aloud.

"We'll have to take her with us," Scrooge said, picking Clarissa up and taking her to the other car.  "What were you doing out there, lassie?"

"Mommy and me play game!" Clarissa happily answered. "I close eyes and count!"

"So she wouldn't see..." Scrooge said to himself.

"What wrong, Cooge?" the little girl asked.

Scrooge smiled at her. "Nothing's wrong. Your mother will be back in just a few short hours. For now, why don't you try to go to sleep?"

"Okay, Cooge," Clarissa said as she lay her head down and closed her eyes.

A few hours later, Clarissa woke up to the sounds of two ducks arguing.

"Donald, this was not my fault!" Scrooge yelled.

"Not your fault? If you had listened to me instead of doing whatever you thought was best without a second thought, Della would still be here!" Donald shouted back. "If you hadn't built that stupid rocket, Della wouldn't be lost in space in some cosmic storm! But thanks to you, she's gone! My twin sister's... gone!"

Clarissa watched as Donald broke down on his knees, crying. Scrooge tried to place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. 

"Donald, I am so sorry," he said, shedding a tear himself. "I swear to you, I will do everything I can to get her back..."

"No! I don't wanna hear it!" Donald said, getting up and backing away from Scrooge. "You'll just get more innocent people lost and killed. I don't want anything to do with you! I'm leaving, and I'm taking the eggs. Goodbye, Uncle Scrooge!"

"Donald, wait!" Scrooge tried to protest. "Della wouldn't want us..."

"Della's gone!" Donald interrupted as he stormed right past Clarissa.

"Fine!" Scrooge yelled after him. "I don't need you! I don't need any of you!"

"Cooge?" Clarissa asked, walking into the room.

"Clarissa, lass, you're awake," Scrooge said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

Clarissa started to tear up as well. "Mommy and Donny... gone?"

Scrooge couldn't bring himself to say anything. How could he tell a little girl that he'd lost her mother and pushed her uncle away? All could do was nod.

"I'm sorry, lass," he said.

More and more tears broke out, and Clarissa ran to Scrooge, who held her tightly in his arms. "Mommy gone."

"I'll get her back, lass, I promise," Scrooge cooed as he stroked her hair. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Clarissa may have been young, but she was smart. If her mother really wanted to leave, she would've, so she did. 

"Mommy wanted to go!" she cried. "And now Donny gone too!"

Scrooge couldn't bring himself to say anything back. He simply continued to stroke her hair as they both cried. Eventually, Clarissa fell asleep, and Scrooge picked her up and took her back to the mansion.

The events of the night were beginning to weigh him down even more. Della was gone, Donald hated him and left... all he had was Clarissa. 

He knew he had to be the best parent for her he could. No more adventures, no more gold. All that mattered was making sure Clarissa was raised properly.

It was what Della would've wanted.

**Sorry this is so short. Anyhow, once again, this story is a rewrite of Here In The Garden by KronkIsLaunchpad. Go check that out if you want a brief idea what this story will be about. Only this will be a bit... angstier. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll get the first real chapter out as soon as I can

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