New Adventure

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"These stupid buzzards won't cooperate!" Chloe shouted out of frustration.

"What are you going again, exactly?" Louie asked as he and Webby attempted to pump out the water that got into the sub.

"Adjusting Scrooge's schedule," Chloe answered. "This little trip wasn't exactly planned or paid for."

Dewey ran through the brig, splashing water onto the three of them. 

"Well at least he's having fun," Chloe muttered.

Scrooge followed him, tossing his phone to Louie. "Talk to your uncle."

Louie held the phone up to his head and said, "Hey, Uncle Donald. No, nothing much. Just did some old man stuff, rubbed some ointment on our elbows, and went to bed at four o'clock."

"Wait, but what about the dragon?" Webby asked, confused.

"Oh, it's three-thirty, dinner time, bye!" Louie said, hanging up the phone.

"Why didn't you tell him the truth?" Webby asked.

Louie stared at her. "You didn't tell your grandma we were going on a dangerous undersea adventure, did you?"

Webby nervously twiddled her fingers. "I kinda didn't tell her anything."

"What?! Webby, that's irresponsible!" Louie chastised. "Call your grandma right now... and tell her you're at a friend's house."

"Louie!" Chloe shouted.

"Lying, it's the responsible thing to do," Louie said with a smile.

"Not true!" Chloe interjected. "The responsible thing to do is tell Beakley beforehand, but I guess that ship has sailed."

"What would you do then?" Webby asked.

"Well, knowing your grandmother, I'd tell the truth and let her decide for herself what to think," Chloe answered. "Besides, it's not like she can catch up to us here."

"Oh please, I've done this millions of times to Uncle Donald," Louie defended. "It's better to not know when your child is in possible danger."

Chloe groaned. "I think I'll continue this work in the brig."

With that, she closed her laptop and made her way up to the brig, where Dewey seemed to be having the time of his life.

"So what is this sub equipped with?" he asked.

Scrooge sat the boy down and strapped him in. "Seatbelts."

Dewey, a little disappointed, gave a small chuckle. "G-Good one!"

Chloe leaned forward and told him, "Why don't you get some rest? It's gonna be a while until we get there."

"Classic Scrooge Dewey banter," Dewey ignored her.

Chloe sighed and got back to work.

A few hours later, the sub shook. Chloe looked out the window to see a group of sirens approaching and attempting to get in. Launchpad, somehow without crashing, managed to avoid them, but Chloe only saw two of the three as they swam away.

A few minutes later, she found the third one when she went to use the bathroom.

"A little privacy please?" Chloe joked, crossing her arms.

The siren simply screamed and tried to pull the rest of its body through the toilet.

"And I thought the sewers back in Duckburg were disgusting."

The monster slashed at her with a claw, but Chloe blocked it and gave the siren a strong uppercut, followed by a round house kick the cheek. Chloe held onto the siren's head and slammed it down on her knee. After one final kick to the chest, Chloe Flushed the toilet, sending the siren back out to sea.

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