Come Together

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Three days. In that time, the manor had become free of company, cleanliness, and... joy. It had also became full of despair, denial, and... pizza boxes. 

It had been awful for Chloe. Webby, along with her bubbly joy and innocent excitement was gone. Dewey, with his inane bravery and eagerness, Huey, with his seemingly limitless knowledge and wisdom, and Louie, with his charm and cunning, were... gone. Even Beakley and Duckworth had left in light of Scrooge's argument with the boys. It was just him and Chloe, and even then, he was... depressed and very much in denial. Chloe vowed to never leave him, and she would keep that promise, but... she couldn't bare it.

It was bad enough Della's taking the Spear of Selene caused Donald to leave Scrooge, but at least he came back. The family was finally back together, one.

But no. It just couldn't stay that way. Just less than three months, and Della's reckless actions caused the family to separate yet again, this time seeming much more permanent.

At least Launchpad came around a few times. Until Scrooge threatened to fire him if he brought up the boys again.

Chloe knew she could just visit the boys, but... they were mad at her too. It wasn't like she could've told them the truth, about how Della abandoned them, that she was their sister, that... she'd never been happier than when they moved into the manor.

And then there was the topic of Webby. They'd been in the same manor for more than ten years, and Chloe had never made an attempt to get to know the little girl. Not until the boys came. Of course, she was gone too, and worse, she thought she wasn't part of the family anymore.

All of these thoughts made Chloe wanna cry. But she didn't; she'd already cried all the tears she could. Scrooge was in denial, the boys were gone, and Webby no longer thought she was welcome.

All because Della thought it was a good idea to take the Spear of Selene before it was finished. First Donald and now everyone else. Chloe had never realized just how much Della had ruined her life until that moment. She never realized how alone and miserable she'd always been.

Chloe's phone rang, but she ignored. Most likely just a call from the office about the Sunchaser or something. The phone kept ringing until drove her crazy. She groaned loudly and picked up her phone. 

It was Webby.

Chloe answered instantly. "Webby! It is amazing to hear from you! How have you been? Are you okay?"

"You need to get down to the mariner now!" Webby's voice cried on the other end.

"What? Why? Webby, what's going on?" Chloe asked.

"The boys! Donald made plans for them to go to Cape Suzette tomorrow, and the boys are so excited they haven't even said goodbye or even thought about it. I don't want them to leave; they're the only family I have. Please get down here and tell them to stay!" Webby said quickly.

Chloe stood up and looked out her window. "Webby, I can't understand you. Take a deep breath and tell me again but slowly."

Webby could be heard sobbing a little bit on the other end. The sound of her little sister crying hurt Chloe's heart. "The boys are leaving for Cape Suzette tomorrow."

"What?!" Chloe nearly shouted.

"Please, you need to get down here and make them stay!" Webby cried.

"Alright, alright, of course," Chloe replied. "Just stall until I get there. I'll be right there."

"O-Okay," Webby stuttered before hanging up. 

Chloe grabbed a coat, ran through the manor into the garage, found her bike, and took off as fast as she could toward the mariner. She didn't get far before she realized what exactly she was doing. She couldn't exactly tell the boys to stay and expect that to work. 

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