Undivided, Reunited

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Tensions at McDuck Manor were high. Everyone, especially Della, did their best to avoid Chloe after her tirade the day before. Della did as Scrooge said and gave her daughter space, but she wanted more than anything to hold Chloe and tell her she was loved dearly.

Even if Chloe wouldn't listen, Della needed to tell her, even if just to convince herself. As far as she knew, Chloe was still in her room, not having come out since their argument. She kept repeating Chloe's words in her head, as if she were studying for a test.

"You had a loving uncle, a twin brother, an amazing life of adventure, even a little daughter. But it wasn't enough for you." 

Della had long accepted the truth behind these words. She had no right to give up what she had in return for what she thought would be the greatest adventure of her life.

"Did you say goodbye to the boys when you left? Because you sure as hell didn't say goodbye to me. You told me to close my eyes and count. You acted like you weren't even leaving the manor, let alone the planet."

It had taken Della by surprise that Chloe didn't also mention that she was three when all that happened. She'd traumatized her daughter, and she didn't even know it.

"You say you wanted to give your sons the stars, but what about me? You say you worked tirelessly to get back to them, but what. About. Me? Was it that you already knew me for three years, and that was enough?"

It was these specific words, or more specifically, the small bits of truth behind them, that brought Della to tears. During all her time away, Della thought of nothing more than regretting not being able to see the boys hatch or take their first steps, or say their first words.

She'd thought almost nothing of her little girl.

"Did you even care about me at all?"

The hurt in Chloe's voice as she spoke these words was Della's breaking point. She was glad she was alone, where her boys couldn't see her. She didn't want them to see her like this. 

Della could try to deny it or undo it all she wanted, but she knew. Chloe was right; she was a terrible person, let alone a terrible mother. She'd abandoned her three year-old daughter to give her sons the adventure of a lifetime.

Chloe was the complete opposite. She'd put up with all of Della's stupidity and obliviousness because she loved her brothers. She'd kept all of these thoughts inside because she didn't want her brothers to go through what she did. She was the perfect big sister.

With a steel resolve, Della huffed, got up, and went straight to Chloe's room... which was empty. That didn't stop her. Scrooge told her to give Chloe time, to let Chloe come to her, but Della Duck wasn't known for being patient.

Elsewhere in the manor, Chloe was having trouble keeping her emotions in check as Scrooge gave her the news.

"It's not that you're bad at your job, lass, but... your attitude is beginning to get in the way of your performance," Scrooge sadly explained. "What you need most is to take some time to yourself to sort out your thoughts."

Chloe couldn't even look at him as her chest heaved slightly. "You're firing me?"

Scrooge shook his head. "N-No... I'm simply telling you that your job as my secretary is being suspended."

"Do me a favor, stop beating around the bush," Chloe said with gritted teeth. 

"If you're gonna make me say it, fine," Scrooge replied. "Clarissa Duck... you're fired."

Chloe didn't say anything, just stood up. As she exited Scrooge's study, she turned her head back to face him. "Good luck finding anyone half as motivated as me to do that job."

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