An Open Mind

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Chloe groaned as she walked out of the theatre. Lena was Webby's best friend, and Chloe respected that, but... maybe Beakley was right.

The aforementioned house sitter insisted on coming on this little trip. It was obvious to anyone with a brain that Beakley didn't like Lena hanging around with Webby, but Chloe, trying to be a good big sister, had convinced her that Lena wasn't all bad. As an added measure, Chloe also spent an hour convincing her that she could look after everyone. Luckily, Beakley agreed on the condition that Launchpad go too.

Now... Chloe was beginning to regret that decision. Webby requested that Lena choose the movie they all saw, and, of course, it was a horror film.

"It was literally just CGI and jumpscares! I can get that in a way better movie, thank you very much," Louie told Dewey.

To Chloe's relief, the boys seemed fine after watching that movie. In all honesty, it wasn't that bad, just very cliche. Her problem was that Lena had lied to her.

Chloe walked up to Lena and pulled her aside. "You told me that was supposed to be an educational, family-friendly film."

"It was educational. It taught the dangers of mutant mole people," Lena defended. "And everyone could use a lesson on chainsaw safety."

Chloe groaned again. In all honesty, she wasn't the fondest of Lena. She was reckless and rarely, if ever, thought about the consequences of her actions, which were more often than not to intentionally get into trouble. But she was also Webby's best friend, and Chloe didn't want to hurt Webby, so she put up with it.

"My problem isn't that you chose a horror movie. That's fine," Chloe explained. "A little heads up would've been nice though."

"Come on, Chloe. We've seen way worse with Mr. McDuck," Webby said, coming to Lena's aid.

"It's not you guys I'm worried about," Chloe replied.

Speak of the devil, Launchpad came rushing out of the theatre, seemingly scared out of his mind. He saw the poster for the movie and screamed. "Moll monster! They could be anyone, anything, anywhere, everywhere!"

Chloe looked back at a shocked Lena. "Bless his heart, but he's a man-child through and through."

She joined Louie and Dewey in trying to pull Launchpad away from the poster before theatre security could come and do it themselves. 

"Stop this instant!" 

Too late.

The three of them finally got Launchpad to stop attacking the poster just in time for a theatre worker to glare at them.

"I am so sorry about that," Chloe told him. "I promise I can pay for it."

The worker nodded sarcastically. "Right, and who's going to pay for the damages to the men's room?"

"Men's room? Gross!" Dewey exclaimed.

"Launchpad, have you lost your mind?" Louie angrily asked.

Launchpad looked around, scared, and replied, "They go through to toilets to get you!" He turned to Dewey and added, "They could be... anyone."

Louie and Chloe gagged. "Didn't need that mental picture," Louie complained.

Chloe looked back at the worker. "I'll pay for the poster, but I'm not paying for the," she paused to gag and cover her mouth, "m-men's room... until I get an estimate of how much it's gonna cost."

The worker raised an eyebrow. "And you'll pay for this how?"

"Wait here," Chloe replied, running off to the car.

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