Icy Connection

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Chloe held onto the railing as hard as she could while trying to not lose her breakfast.

"I cannot believe Huey and Louie missed out on this!" Dewey cheered.

Scrooge stumbled around until he regained his footing, covering his mouth as well. "I have a few ideas."

"Della and Dewey's first adventure as mother and son in the icy Atlantic! What will await them there?" Dewey asked dramatically.

"This isn't an adventure!" Chloe reminded as her stomach churned. "This is a meeting that could prove insanely crucial in Uncle Scrooge's insane bet with Glomgold! I still can't believe you agreed to that, by the way!"

"What can I say? No one's perfect," Scrooge replied.

"Ah, lighten up!" Della said. "We're just having a little fun! Besides, I haven't flown the Cloudslayer in years!"

"Wait, Cloudslayer? That is a way cooler name than Sunchaser!" Dewey praised.

Chloe groaned. Ever since Della had returned, Dewey had been even more reckless than usual, which Chloe didn't even think was possible. She'd hoped to teach Dewey to know his limits, to adequately assess a situation before approaching it, rather than rush into it blindly, like... Della would.  

They were mother and son alright. She'd yet to see Della do any major bonding with Huey or Louie, but she got along just fine with Dewey. They were both eager for adventure, hungry for thrill, and quite frankly, insane.

"Remember, I need everyone on their best behavior," Scrooge reminded. "Like Chloe said, this contract is crucial to winning the bet. My old partner, Ludwig VonDrake, designed a vault meant to preserve humanity's most important seeds and protect any survivors of an oncoming apocalypse. However, the harsh conditions have recently compromised the vault, and VonDrake's kin must choose the company most suitable to repair it."

"Ugh, so boring," Dewey complained.

Della laughed and did a barrel roll. "And that's why I'm compensating with the Cloudslayer."

Chloe looked out the window and saw the landing site. "Please, just... take us down."

Della rolled her eyes and set down as a yellow plane pulled up next to the Sunchaser. 

Scrooge was quick to exit the Sunchaser. "Come on, the sooner we get the meeting done with, the sooner we can get back to Duckburg."

Chloe took a few deep breaths to calm her stomach and followed suit, Della and Dewey following behind

"Tell me again why we had to come along too?" Dewey asked.

"Well, I probably could've convinced Launchpad to fly us," Chloe replied.

"No way!" Della said, shaking her head. "I do not trust that lousy excuse for a pilot anywhere near my plane!"

That was another thing Chloe didn't like about Della: she automatically didn't like Launchpad simply because he "replaced her". According to Launchpad, he simply tried to introduce himself, and Della yelled about how the family didn't need another pilot, a lousy one at that. Chloe could admit that Launchpad wasn't the best pilot... or driver, but he still had a heart the size of the sun, even if his brain was the size of a raisin. He was fun to be around due to his childlike tendencies, and Chloe liked that. Della, obviously, didn't.

"Let's just get that contract and go," Chloe said between clenched teeth. "I've never liked cold weather."

"Well then, be prepared to be iced out by Flintheart Glomgold!" Glomgold yelled from behind everyone with a flashlight. He waived his arm around and made poor explosion sounds with his mouth. "Boom! Lightning!"

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