A Little Bit of Faith

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**Hey, guys, so I was planning on doing a chapter on "Nightmare On Killmotor Hill", but I couldn't come up with anything for that. So instead, I'm skipping right to the end of Glomtales. Don't forget to leave a vote once you're done reading and comment what you thought

Chloe rode up to the bin on her motorcycle. She'd just finished a week-long business trip in Tahiti to secure Scrooge's place in winning the bet with Glomgold.

Speaking of which, the bet was ending today. She'd felt a little bad she was cutting it so close to show up, but the bin was coming into view, and she had more than enough time to spare. She came to a halt when she reached the end of the long bridge and parked her motorcycle.

The family was all there, some wearing a few strange articles of clothing. Huey's hat was even punctured at the top.

"Hey, guys. What... exactly did I miss?" Chloe asked as she ran up the steps. 

Scrooge was quick to embrace his youngest niece. "We just finished a last-minute trip to Rock Candy Mountains."

"That would explain the hobo clothes," Chloe said with a chuckle, hugging her younger siblings.

"How was Tahiti?" Dewey asked.

"Amazing!" Chloe happily answered. "I got loads of pictures and souvenirs. I'll have to show you once we get back to the manor."

"Shouldn't be too long now," Scrooge said. "We're just waiting on Flinty. I thought he'd be here on time, but I shouldn't be surprised he's trying to delay the inevitable."

"Hello, dear," said Owlson, who was there as well. "Nice to see you again. And your uncle tells me you gave me a recommendation to work for McDuck Enterprises?"

Chloe turned to Owlson and shook her hand. "Oh, yeah. I felt a little bad since you were kinda just dragged into the middle of this."

"Well, I can't thank you enough, dear," Owlson replied.

Chloe smiled and turned back to her family. She then noticed they were one person short, other than Glomgold himself. "Wait a second, where's Louie?"

"Oh, he's grounded, so he had to stay back at the manor as punishment," Della answered.

"Umm... I just came from the manor," Chloe told everyone. "No one's there."

"What are you talking about? The DT-87 was keeping watch over him," Beakley replied. "He couldn't have gotten past it."

"Well, like I said, I was just at the manor, and there's nobody there," Chloe said. "Not Louie, not DT, not even Duckworth. And why was Louie alone at the manor anyhow?"

"It's a long story, but what do you mean nobody's there?" Della asked.

"Seriously, what part are you not getting? There is no one at McDuck Manor," Chloe said as clear as possible... just as a giant, purple airship pulled up to the bin behind her.

The front of the airship opened up, and a number of familiar faces appeared, including Mark Beaks, Don Karnage, Ma Beagle with three of her sons, Flintheart Glomgold, and Magica De Spell.

The McDucks glared at them and stepped forward to face them. 

"I knew this day would come, Magica's grand revenge," Scrooge said.

"I'm clearly standing in front!" Glomgold shouted. "Anyhow, for years, I've schemed alone. Now, I've added a family straight to my grand vision. Scrooge will bow before Clan Glomgold!"

He was interrupted by a purple blast of smoke, which Magica emerged from. "And cower before Magica De Spell, whose hatred is unbound by time and space!"

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