20: Nascar?

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"One day I'm going to leave this place and these people with their pointless stigmas." I said aloud as if it'd actually make a difference. I didn't care anymore if it wouldn't. I wasn't going to sit and sulk over it. I looked down at the uniform I wore and sighed. There was no reason leaving it on after all.

I trudged into my room and peeled it off, setting the top and shorts on my bed before shuffling over to my dresser and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a wifebeater. I didn't even bother changing out of the sportsbra. I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

With a quick yank my hair fell out of its pony tail and I slipped the band around my wrist. I fluffed my hair quick and forced myself to smile. It wasn't that bad. It could be worse. They could have picked me up and left me at the wrong place or something.

I skipped into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. Everthing was in the same fashion I had left it a few days ago and so I pulled out the orange juice, checked the expiration and drank from the carton. No reason not to. My aunt wouldn't touch anything non kosher.

I opened up the pantry and withdrew a roll from a bread bag. Just as I bit into it the phone rang and I paused, roll hanging from my mouth, looking at the receiver hanging on the wall. "What the?" I wondered as I swallowed the bread and approached the phone.

No one used to house phone. I had only ever heard it ring once in my months there, and that was telemarketer with a wrong number. You know it's bad when your only call is a wrong number from someone who calls everyone on purpose.

I looked at the caller id and was surprised the number looked vaguely familiar. After a few moments of hesitation I picked it up. "Er...hello?" I asked. I doubted anyone could possibly be on the other end.

"Kara?" the voice on the other end asked, crackling terribly.

"Yes this is Kara."I responded shifting the receiver to the other ear and pressing it harder as though it'd fix the static.

The line was quiet then I heard a muffled: "..outside."

"Sorry I can barely hear you," I apologized and tried to listen harder "Can you repeat that?"

"Just come outside."

The line went dead and I set it back down on the base. Go outside? I wondered and glanced out of the side kitchen window. It was still light out so I figured I may as well go look. If it was some evil creature he'd be easily outsmarted seeing as he chose such a light time to try and kill me.

I opened the door and my eyes blinked slowly all on their own. "Ah good I had the right house." Coach Matthers said as he pushed off from where he leaned against the passenger side door of his yellow hummer waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he approached me with a few strides of his long trim legs.

He looked at me surprised. "Giving you a ride." He replied as though it were the most obvious answer ever. "Where is your uniform?"

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