I fail to see who my dad is

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After pacing my room, shocked with the possibility my dad is not my dad,i decide to get some answers. From who you may ask? The one person who will tell me the truth if it hurts me. The only semi- reliable source ,when it comes to this, in this house. My mom. If my dad isn't my dad she will be the only one able to tell me who he is.

"Hey mom" I said trying to be causal. "What do you want" she snapped. "Umm.." "Well spit it out!" "Who gave me the necklace?" " How should I know?" "Cause it was addressed to me by my father" She shifted uncomfortably. "It's obvious then" She stated recovering her posture. "Except my 'dad' couldn't recognize the necklace"I said firmly, glaring at her. She shifted, yet again. She look more scared than angry. After a while, she said simply but firmly, "I can't tell you"

Dreams are a funny thing, don't you think? They are totally random and use images you have seen in one point of your life and creates a story. Unless your me.

After my pointless interrogation, I decided to go to bed. I wiggled around to find a comfortable position. Then I went sleep.

I opened my eyes. I was still dreaming yet everything was in exquisite detail. I felt blood rush from a huge gash. someone was leaning over me, screaming my name over and over. She had long, thick black hair that shined in the moonlight, and had sea green eyes, almost the same color as mine. Though I was sure I never seen her before, she looks strangely familiar. "Wake up Lily!" She shrieked on the verge of tears. The last thing I saw was a girl running towards us. She had multi-colored eyes and uneven hair, some locks twined together to make a braid.

Who is she?

That's the end to chapter 4! Sorry it's taking so long for the action and the adventure but it's really hard to compact everything that's floating around in my head into a book. anyone who has written a book without a graphic organizer can relate... I think. Anyways if you have suggestions on how lily should get to camp half blood let me know.

See ya later!

The Slightly-More-than-Half-Bloods: Lily's sideWhere stories live. Discover now