13: Ron's Tantrum

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"I can't believe him!" said Ron furiously. "He actually put his name in the ruddy cup, and he didn't even tell us!"

After a bewildered looking Harry had been pushed up front by Y/N, and made his way into the chambers behind the staff table, the students were all hastily sent back to their common rooms.

The moment the Gryffindors had climbed through the portrait hole, almost everyone erupted into cheers, either heavily impressed that Harry had managed to get past the Age Line, or just excited that Hogwarts had a Gryffindor champion. Fred and George appeared a few minutes later than everyone else, holding food and ready to party.

Harry still hadn't returned, and the residents of Gryffindor Tower, whom very few had gone to bed, sat down in the squashy armchairs, excitedly waiting for Harry's eventual appearance.

Y/N didn't know what to think. Had Harry really put his name in? If so, how had he gotten past the Age Line? And how had he managed to register under a fourth school, and hoodwink the Goblet of Fire, an extremely ancient and powerful magical artifact? It made no sense.

No, the look of bewilderment on Harry's face as his name had been pulled out had been absolutely genuine. One thing was certain, Harry was definitely not responsible for this.

The problem was, Ron didn't seem think so. And if Ron, Harry's inseparable best friend was doubting him, then Y/N would hate to see the reaction of the students who were non-Gryffindor. Indeed, as Harry had stepped forward back in the Great Hall, almost everyone in the Hufflepuff table looked ready to throttle him.

"Can he be any more selfish?" Ron was still going off in a rant. "He's got it all, money and fame, but it still wasn't enough for him, oh no, Harry Potter had to go and enter the Triwizard Tournament too. He could have at least told his friends, but no, he couldn't even give me a chance for glory, too!"

"Ron, can you please shut up!" Y/N finally snapped, banging his fist onto the table in front of them. "Don't go running your mouth about glory. You want to be in Harry's place? Do you want to be out there, fighting all sorts of things far beyond your magical level? When Harry walks through that portrait hole, he's going to be scared out of his mind! At that time, he'll need us, his friends, to be there for him! He'll need our support more than anything! What he won't need is an attention-seeking 'best friend' who thinks that he entered for 'glory'! "

"Oh, taking his side, are you?" Ron sneered. "I knew you would. Rich boys stick together, eh? I never expected you to see what a glory-hunter Harry is being anyway, since he seems to be taking lessons in being an stuck up prick from you!"

"Ron, enough," Hermione said firmly. "you're being extremely childish. Do you really believe Harry would do such a thing? Harry, who has always expressed dislike at his fame? We need to have faith in our friend, since obviously no one else will."

"Faith?" Ron repeated, spitting out the word as though it were acid. "Potter obviously doesn't need faith, he's had our support for over three years, and this is how he repays us? After everything we've done for him, what has Harry bloody Potter ever done for us?"

"So that's what this is, is it?" Y/N said coldly, his E/C eyes narrowed. "You're angry because Harry's gotten everything he's ever wanted from us, and he's never done anything for us in return? Is that what you think friendship is? Something that is owed and returned like a bloody debt? Open your eyes, Ron. I've walked into a forest and met with Voldemort, charged into an underground chamber with Dumbledore to save my friend, brewed a potion against school rules, killed a Basilisk, went back in time, took on a were-" Y/N stopped dead, before he could accidentally reveal his secret. "I did all of that for Harry! Not because I expected something in return, but because he's my friend! And after the crappy life he's lived, he deserves a bit of loyalty from me! And now, once again, he finds himself in deep shit, and you're going to just sit here and insult him behind his back?"

The Goblet of Fire - Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now