Chapter Nine

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(Smut warning)

*Couple of weeks have passed*

I was sitting at Urahara's shop, listening to the plan of breaking in to Hueco Mundo and bringing back this Orihime girl. I was going to stay with Urahara, be the reinforcement if needed. 

As I was glancing at everyone, my eyes stopped at Ikkaku, who was apparently staring at me for god knows how long. I avoid his gaze and get up, looking at Yumichika "Fill me in later? I'm not feeling too good." He just nodded and I walked out, going home.

*At home*

I open up the door and as I was closing it, a hand was pressed up against the door, stopping me from closing it. I look out and see it was that girl who claimed to be in a relationship with Ikkaku. 

I was annoyed, not in the mood for this shit. "What do you want now?" She clenched her jaw, annoyed "Give me back my future husband!" I tilted my head to the side "And if I refuse?"

She pushed the door open "Then I guess we're gonna have to fight for him!!" She puts her fists up and I just yawn out of boredom. A voice caught our attention. "Nobody is fighting over me."

The girl's eyes gleamed, as she launched towards Ikkaku but he moved out of her way. She looked up at him, upset "Honey, why won't you come home? It's been weeks!" He just rolled his eyes "Mizuho, go home. We're not dating nor have we ever dated. Plus, someone else has my attention."

My heart hurt hearing that 'Who could it be?' I had to admit, I formed a crush on Ikkaku but I didn't want to say anything. I'm a human, he's an actual soul reaper who belongs to the soul society. It would never work out between us.

"Is it her?!" Mizuho pointed at me, fire in her eyes. I was also curious of his answer. 

"That's nobody's concern but my own" 

'Ouch......' I looked down and walked further into the apartment, heading to my room. I felt the tears threatening my eyes. I was just foolish girl. I laid in bed, falling asleep instantly.

**Yumichika's POV**

It was late when I finally got home. Wanting to give Midori and Ikkaku as much alone time as possible. As I opened the front door, I slowly peeked in, an overpowering smell of alcohol reached my nose. I pushed through and noticed Ikkaku laying on the floor, drunk.

I walk up to him and he lazily lifts up his head "Oh you're home" He slams his head back on the hardwood floor. It didn't seem to phase him. "So....what happened? Scared about leaving for Hueco Mundo?"

"No....I fucked up big time....with Midori." He sat up, his face clear from any emotions. "I followed her home to tell her how I feel but that damn Mizuho chick got in the way. I want her to know....that I like her, just in case I don't come back."

It was silent between us, in the corner of my eye, I noticed a shadow disappearing. I couldn't help but smile and help Ikkaku up. "How about you go talk to her? I think I just heard her wake up?" 

Ikkaku perked back up, as if he was now sober. He walked towards her room with confidence. 'Best of luck my friend' 

**Midori's POV**

I closed my door as quietly as I could. After what I just heard, my heart was racing. 'He likes me....' I couldn't help but smile widely, feeling giddy about this newfound information.

A soft knock brought me back to the world of the living, "'s me....Ikkaku. I'm coming in" he opened the door before I could say anything. He walked in and closed the door behind him, making it an awkward silence.

I didn't know what to say or do. I didn't want him to leave but I didn't have a choice in the matter due to his orders from the Soul Society. I'm just a silly human with reaper powers.

I looked up at him and for the first time, I was taking him all in. The red marks by his eyes, how toned his arms were, his lack of hair but that never bothered me. I glance at his lips, wondering how it would feel to kiss him. 

He broke the silence "So hey...." I broke out of my trance and stared into his eyes, noticing the blush that was forming.

"We're heading out tomorrow and well....." he trailed off, looking down. "Fuck....." I take a step forward, reaching out to touch his arm. He looked up in shock and I squeezed his arm lightly.

"Just....come back alive....." I didn't realize how tense he was until his muscles relaxed under my touch. "Yeah....."

It became an awkward silence between us. Not making eye contact with each other. He broke the silence once again.

"Midori....I...." he got tense again "Oh fuck it!"

He grabbed onto my arm, pulling me in while he leaned down, placing a rough kiss on my lips. My eyes widen in shock but I quickly returned the kiss, but more soft.

He realized his roughness and softened up a bit. Making the kiss more enjoyable but he pulled away too soon for my liking.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you" I couldn't help but chuckle and tilt my head to side. "I bet I can take a guess since we've only known each other for six weeks"

He chuckled at my comment as he leaned his forehead against my own. "Wait for me?" I look into his eyes, my heart skipping a beat. "Ikkaku....that's not-" He stopped me by pressing his lips against mine roughly. 

I accepted the roughness and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. He placed his hands on my hips, holding onto me tightly. 

He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I couldn't help but smirk and tighten my lips, earning a quiet growl from him. He tightened his grip on my hips and yanked me in, making sure there was no space between us, causing me to gasp in surprise which in return, he deepened the kiss.

I started to fill him lift me up, I tightened my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. He placed his hands on my ass, caressing it, earning him a quiet moan from me. 

I could feel him smirk and he slapped my ass, causing me to gasp and pull away from the kiss. "Hey now!" He smiled and chuckled, carrying me over to the bed.

He plopped down on the bed, he was on his back while I sat on top. I straightened up and accidentally grinding into his hips, earning a deep growl that caused me to blush deeply.

"I-I'm sorry!" I immediately climbed off of him. I knew my face was red, I looked down at my hands in embarrassment. 

I felt the bed shift, Ikkaku was now right by my ear, saying seductively "Did I say I didn't like it?" My face felt warmer "U-um....."

"No, the answer is no" 


Next chapter will more than likely be a lemon. Unless I decide to be an ass ;P We'll see!

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