№7|Pointing Fingers

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№7|Pointing Fingers

Hex and the Golden Dragons woke up hours later to see the gang was in a panic, “Mama, what’s going on?” Hex asked, halting his mother’s frantic movements.

“Edgar’s missing!” Mama had tears welling in her eyes. “The entire base is in a panic!”

“How’s Jasmine?” Hex asked softly. “Go see for yourself, she’s in your office,” Mama replied Hex walked upstairs and into his office.

Two large men stood by the door, they moved when they saw hex, letting him in. The room was dark, the smell of tears coated the room. “Why...why him!” Jasmine sobbed, her hair was messy and her makeup was dripping.

“Jasmine?” Hex slowly walked towards him. “Hex...Edgar...someone took him!” Jasmine sobbed into her arms “we were supposed to go away to Florida...we were gonna be happy!”

“Please...I need you to find him!”

Hex nodded, “I’ll find him, I promise.”

Meanwhile, at the Ruby Rebels base, Emmanuel pinned one of his members to the wall.

“What do you mean she’s gone?!”

“Si-Sir! We do-don't know where she is! We loo-looked up and down the bas-base!”

“Well check again! Marmalade would just disappear into thin air!” Emmanuel scolded, dropping the man as he stormed up to his office. He paced back and forth, “shit, shit, shit! She’s here for one day and gets kidnapped!”

Emmanuel scrunched up his fist, “it has to be those Golden Dragons! Oooh! When I get my hands on Hex he’s gonna pay!”

Emmanuel put on his jacket and walked towards his car, starting it up as he clenched the steering wheel.

“What makes you think it’s the Ruby Rebels?” Cruella asked. “Think about it Cruella, we’ve been in a feud with the Rebels for almost a decade now! Ever since the meeting, one has been waiting for the other to strike.” Ector explained.

“Look, I don't care who took Edgar but we need him back now, Jasmine is this close to breaking and even though she’s a therapist she can't handle that pressure!” Mama’s hands began to shake as she struggled to hold the coffee cup.

“Mama, when was the last time you slept?” Gabriella asked. “I haven’t slept today, nor have I ate or drank anything, I’ve been so worried about your Tio I haven’t been able to do much of anything!” Mama slammed the cup down, crying into her hands, “I already lost your father, I can't lose my brother as well.”

“I know, Mama, I know...but it’s okay, we’ll get through this, Hex will file a police report today-” Saree stopped when a loud crash was heard at the front of the mechanics.

The group race to the front to see Emmanuel strangling Alonzo, “where the hell is Hex?!”

“Get your hands off my cousin, Emmanuel!” Hex’s hands coated in a fire as he tackled Emmanuel to the ground. “Where is she Hex?!” Emmanuel yelled in his face.

“Tell me where Edgar is first!” Hex demanded. “Who?” Emmanuel had a puzzled look on his face, “you mean Emma’s brother? We don't have him! If we were to kidnap anyone it would be that animalistic over there!” Emmanuel pointed to Cruella.

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