№26|Dragon Vs. Animalistic

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№26|Dragon Vs. Animalistic

Blaze watched as Valeria entered her room, “see you later, dragon boy.” she winked before closing the door behind her. 

The smell of geranium and bergamot invading his sense, Blaze felt his mouth water. He put his hands over his mouth in shock. The hell?! He could feel his fangs growing. No! No! NO!

Blaze walked off, trying to deny himself of Valeria’s mouth watering smell. With every step, Blaze felt the dragon inside him roaring in anger, “go back!”

“No! We don't need her!” Blaze felt his feet getting heavy, “what we need to do is get Rosemary back!”

“No, she has a mate, she’s happy! Leave them alone, weren’t you listening to Valeria when she was talking about Gillian and Rosemary? They’re in love, hell I”m pretty sure they might mate soon! You should be too.” His dragon, Quevis, exclaimed.

“My season isn't until next month! So stop being a horny ass dragon and let me go to bed!” Blaze demanded. “Blaze, I know what’s best for you, trust me. The moon goddess destined Gillian and Rosemary together, I’m sure the other gods and goddesses have the same plan as you as well.” Quevis assured him.

“Exactly, and once Gillian is gone me and Rosemary can go back to the way things were.” Blaze nodded, unlocking the door to his room. He plopped down on the bed, looking at the ceiling. “Get this through your head, Quevis, Rosemary is the only one I need.”

“Whatever, until you come out of your fantasy world, we’re no longer on speaking terms.” Quevis stated, Blaze rolled his eyes and tried to sleep but the smell of geranium and bergamot could be smelled through the walls.

He sat by the wall across from him, his ear against the wall, he could hear her singing in the shower. He smiled, leaning against the wall, “for a vampire...” Blaze yawned, his eyes fluttering close, “...she sings like...an angel.”

The next morning, Gillian woke up in Rosemary’s arms, he looked up at Rosemary, who slept soundly. Her nose crinkled, “no...Blaze...go away…”

Gillian raked his fingers through her pink hair, “rest well my love, when you wake up, Blaze will be long gone. Don't worry my sleeping beauty, your jaguar will take care of everything.”

“That’s nice...Gillian.” Rosemary muttered in her sleep. Gillian sniffed her neck, “beautiful…” Gillian tried to resist the urge to mark her. “Wait.” Onzix ordered, Gillian growled, “I know it’s hard to wait but the marking has to be special, she also has to be awake, but trust me, we’ll mark her soon.”

Gillian rolled on his side, “but how close is soon?”

“Sooner than you think.” Onzix smiled.


“Welcome to the third day of our beautiful tournament!” Keiko cheered. “You seem perkier today, something happened last night?” Marmalade smirked. “Sure, you could say that~” Keiko cooed, winking at Damien.

“But enough about my sexual encounters!” Keiko laughed, “we need a battle!

Meanwhile, Valeria was at the snack stand, watching the announcement from the mini screens that were posted throughout the arena. “Our match today will be,” Keiko unravelled the scroll, “Gillian Vs Blaze!”

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