№33|DeVille Cup Finals: A Battle For The Ages!

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№33|DeVille Cup Finals: A Battle For The Ages!

Mama gave a swift punch to the punching bag causing it to freeze over, with another punch the punching bag broke in smithereens.

"Sergio!" Mama yelled, Sergio jumped up off the couch, standing at attention, "get me another punching bag!"

"Honey, that's the 5th one you've broke, I don't think the gym downstairs is gonna let me-"

"Sergio!" Mama glared at him. Sergio gulped, shaking in his boots.

"Yo-You know wha-what! I'm sure the-they'll let us borrow another one!" Sergio quickly darted out of the hotel room to grab yet another punching bag.

"What's up with Mama?" Eponine asked, sitting at the table as the Golden Dragons watched the mother break yet another punching back.

"She's no Mama right now," Sergio sighed, sitting down in the empty chair next to Eponine, "she's turned back into ultimate fighter Emma."

"Excuse me, what?" Cruella chuckled slightly.

"Before Mama met Sergio, she was an ultimate fighter, she would go around to tournaments all around the world to compete. Her wrestling name was 'Ice Queen'." Hex explained.

Emmanuel laughed, "that's why her necklace says Ice Queen?"

Emma turned around, a dark aura surrounding her, "are you laughing at me?" she advanced on Emmanuel, pinning his head to the table, "cause that be the worst mistake you ever made!"

"Laughing? Wh-What?! I-I woul-would never!" Emmanuel stammered.

Emma smiled brightly, "good," she released her grip on Emmanuel, grabbing her cup of coffee off the kitchen counter. She noticed everyone staring at her, "what?"

"You were so mad a second ago...now you're all happy...?" Diane's mind was reeling.

"I'm pretty in control of my emotions." Emma sipped her coffee.

"Sure you are..." the group laughed nervously knowing that if anyone disagrees with her they'd end up like the punching bags.

Emma placed her coffee mug on the counter, "well, why are we sitting here? We got a witch to kill."

°•. ✿ .•°

"Welcome folks to the finals of the DeVille Cup!" Keiko announced, the viewers were confused when they didn't see Keiko in her regular announcer box, "if you're wondering where I am, just look up!"

The viewers looked up to see Keiko thousands of feet above them in a hot air balloon with Damien.

"Why did you drag me along with you?!" Damien scolded, trying his best not to look down.

"Because," Keiko turned around to face him, "this is a historic event and I want the best view possible!"

"What does that have to do with me?!" Damian flung his arms above his hand in anger.

"I just think my boyfriend should have the same view," she came in close, smoking at Damien "but if you're too chicken you can happily jump out now, I'm sure the cement will soften your fall."

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