№9|Hospital Time

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№9|Hospital Time

“Why am I doing this?”

Was the fist question Shawn asked himself as he shimmed up the trellis fence that held up the roses that framed the side of Dizzy’s house.

“Because, since Emmanuel moved out of the house months ago, Dizzy is there alone. Which means he won't find out if you were to sneak in to get a little time with our soon-to-be mate.” Zezy explained as though it was ever so simple.

“This better be worth it…”

Dizzy sighed as she walked out of the bathroom, dressed in her PJs, and into her room. She looked at the plumeria white and yellow flowers on her nightstand, “Maybe Big Brother was right, all these gifts were just to butter me up.”

She smiled, remembering the good times between her and Shawn, especially the movies. Dizzy fell on her bed in delight, holding the flowers close to her chest. The movie was never important to them, what mattered was the making out during the movie.

Dizzy felt her cheek flush as she recalled the fond memories. The words he would tell her during these sessions made her turn to butter, made her heart race a mile a minute. It was astounding how he knew all the places to touch her to make her say his name in ecstasy.

Dizzy frowned when she realised she wouldn't have those make out movies and more. She felt tears swelling up, “why’d you have to go…”

“I didn’t go anywhere,” Shawn’s voice shocked her as her head darted towards the window to see an out of breath Shawn hunched over the window seal.

“Wh-What are you doing her-here?!” Dizzy stuttered. “I came to see you,” Shawn fully climbed into her room, “why else would I be here?”

“I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?” Dizzy turned her back on him, her arms folding over her chest.

“I never said that,” Shawn rested his hand on her bicep, “it’s just...your brother,” a surprising growl erupted from his throat, “he’s so determined on finding Marmalade he wants me not to speak to you so I won't get distracted.”

“Distracted by what? There’s nothing on me to get distracted by.” Dizzy shrugged. Shawn turned her around, “I’m sorry, have you seen yourself in the mirror?!”

“Yeah, I have, but I don't have a huge chest or a big ass like other girls.” Dizzy shrugged once more, “so what is there to be distracted by?”

“You’re smell, your personality, you laugh, your smile, the way you say my name, the way you dance like nobody's watching, your strength, your beauty, your independence, your smarts,” Shawn looked at her, “shall I go on? Cause I can.”

Dizzy's mouth was slightly agape, “you like all those things about me?”

“Well duh!” Shawn gripped her shoulder, “but for a while I won't be able to show it at work, so meetings between us will be like this for a while.”

Dizzy smiled, hugging him tightly, “I don't care! As long as you’re here I couldn't be happier.”

Shawn smiled and led her to the bed, pulling her down as he wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling his face into her silky blonde hair.

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