№28|I'm Not A Monster, I'm A Sun Goddess

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№28|I’m Not A Monster, I’m A Sun Goddess

Helena threw Eloise against the wall, “how dare you escape?! You useless bitch!”

“I-I’m sorry!” Eloise cried, scooting back into the corner as Helena advanced on her, a whip in hand, “the-they only wan-wanted one da-day of peace with m-me!”

“Peace?!” Helena cackled, “Eloise, as long as your with me, peace isn't a luxury you’ll get!”

“Ple-Please! I-I-I ju-just wan-wanted a day in the sun!” Eloise sobbed into her knees. “What don't you get, Eloise?! Until you can pay me back for your parents debt, you’re mine! Got that?!” Helena growled, Eloise whimpered, nodding “alr-alright!”

“Good!” Helena clenched Eloise’s jaw, a cracking sound could be heard over Eloise’s crying, “if I catch you running off again I’ll crush you!”

“Y-Yes Mis-mistress!” Helena released the child’s jaw, dropping her to the floor, walking towards her room to her latest sexual partner, “now, where did we leave off?”

Eloise crept into the corner, pulling her jacket up onto her trembling body, she sobbed, “I wanna go back...back to the sledding...back to the happy times.”

Eloise felt the warmth of a soft blanket being wrapped around her. “She’s freezing,” a voice echoed, Eloise was too tired to open her eyes. “What’s with all the scrapes and bruises?” a different voice questioned.

“That doesn’t matter now,” Diane wrapped Eloise in her wings, “we need to get her out of here.”

Eloise felt a strange sense of calm flow over her, she smiled slightly.This is nice…

Enveloped in Diane’s snow white wings made her feel like she was flying, all her troubles were floating away. Eloise stirred in Diane’s arms, “no...Mist-Mistress...I-I’m sor-sorry!”

Diane stroked her hair, “it’s okay, my love, don't worry about Helena.” Diane lifted Eloise from her arms into her and Gabriella’s bed. “Did she whip her?” Hex whispered. “Yes,” Diane crouched down, healing Eloise.

“Gabriella,” Mama began noticing Gabriella’s anger. “I know, Mama, I’ll take her out.” Gabriella promised. Eloise blinked her eyes open, “where...where am I?”

“You’re back in our room.” Diane smiled. “Mi-Mistress will ki-kill me! An-and you!” Eloise warned, stammering as she did. “Don't worry, you’re under the protection of the Golden Ruby Dragons now,” Hex ruffled her hair, “nobody will dare touch you.”

Eloise sniffled, “wh-why are yo-you so nice t-to me?”

“Because,” Eponine sat beside her, “I’ve started to learn that this family falls into love easily in all different ways,” she rubbed her fingers over Matias’ hand, “it’s not a bad thing,” she smiled up at him, “it’s actually really beneficial.”

“Gabriella and Diane are both amazing women who I know will love and take care of you, and so will the Golden Ruby Dragons.” Eponine assured her.

Eloise hugged Diane and Gabriella tightly, “ple-please...please bea-beat her!”

“Of course we will,” Gabriella and Diane kissed Eloise’s cheeks, “Helena will be long gone.”

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