Random Chapter #4

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These random chapter's are just basically filler episodes while I work on the real chapters.

Also, you meet Bakuhoe in this chapter! Good luck!

Y/n pov

I am currently walking the grocery store because Itsu wasted all our good food with his cooking again. Sigh. Seriously, someone teach that boy how to cook 'cause I ain't gonna.

As I'm walking I see an ice cream stand. Tempting. But no. But yes. But no. I'll get some on my way home from the store. I can't stop drooling as I walk past the delicious frozen treats.

Finally I get to the store and look over my list again. I don't trust my brother enough to have him make a list of things we need. After I double check my list, I grab a cart.


After about half an hour, I finally got everything we need. It only took so long because I'm not familiar with this place yet. I then take all my groceries to the check out counter.

Infront of me in the line, I see an ash blonde guy lookin like a human pemeranian. He turns around and sees me looking at him and immediately starts yelling.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT?" He yells. I just say nothing. "ANSWER ME!" He continues.

"You're causing a sceen." Is all I say. He then looks at all the people staring at him. He gets embarrassed and turns around. Geez, anger issues much?

Once I finish checking out, I grab my bags and start walking home. When I exit the store, I see the blonde boy from earlier walking. I run to catch up to him.

"Why did you have to yell like that in the store?" I ask. He doesn't respond but he does make a face. Rude.

"Whatever. Bye bye." I say as I walk away struggling with my bags. He takes notice of my struggling. He walks up to me and grabs some bags from me. I just look at him, flabbergasted.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask utterly confused. He grunts. "Cuz you're weak."

Agdksdjehdnndbd RUDE!

"I was managing just fine thank you!" He just rolls his eyes. "You can take your bags back then." He says offering my bags back. "No no. Carry on." I say being the lazy person I am. He tsks.

As we're walking, I ask him, "What's your name?" He doesn't respond. "Okay, I'll just call you angry pomeranian then." He gets and at this.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY! I AM NOT AN ANGER POMERANIAN!" He yells. As he continues to yell, I get an ocean worth of spit in my face. When he's done, I wipe my face. "Thanks for the hydration pomeranian."

I takes him a minute, then he continues, "My name is not pomeranian!" I sigh.

"Then what is your name?" I ask.
"Bakugo!" He says.
"Can I get a first name with that order?" I ask.
"Where do you live?" He asks.
"WHAAA! Why would I tell you where I live?!"
"Idiot! 'cause I'm helping you with your bags!" I mouth an 'oh'.
"Don't call me idiot! Only I can do that!" He rolls his eyes.
"It's not like I know your name!"
"L/n Y/n."

He tsks for the millionth time. And we continue our walk to my apartment. He gets confused when we stop infront of my complex.

"Why do you live here?" He so rudely asks.
"Because my family lives here."
"Whatever." He says as we start going up the stairs.

When we reach my door, I notice him eyeing Izuku's aparment with an angry expression. Then again, he always has an angry expression.

I unlock the door and ask, "Do you know the Midoriya's?" He says nothing and puts the bags on the counter. I shrug. Guess I'll ask Izu then.

He then walks out the door. As he's leaving, I shout a goodbye and thank you to him. He just walks away without a word. Rude.

Once he's gone, I start putting the groceries away. As I'm taking stuff out of bags, a piece of paper falls out. I look at it and see writting on it.

Bakugo Katsuki, future number one hero.


Wow. He gave me his number. Looks like he wants to be the number one hero. Mmmmmmm. He might go to U.A.

This was probably ooc for Bakugo. Idk. I suck at writting. It's gonna be hard for me to write for Bakugo because I don't really swear.

Author-chan out!

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