Random Chapter #5

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In this situation, depending on my mood, I'm either Denki or Iida, Baku and Momo

We're going to dance! This is the day after the USJ incident so we have the day off of school. Because of this, I'm doing a dance chapter.

Y/n pov

I'm excited! I finally get to go back to dance! My dance studio doesn't start the dance season till after school starts. So this makes it the day we get to start learning our new routines!

I'm currently gathering the things I need for my classes today, like:

-A few water bottles (I suggest more than one when exercising)

-Ballet shoes and tights

-Stuff for hair (you never know when a hair tie is gonna snap)

-And some leggings

After I'm done getting my stuff together, Itsuki walks in. "Do you need a ride to dance?" He asks. I shake my head.

"I wanna walk. It's only 10 minutes." I say (a/n I have to walk to dance right after school. It's about that long so stop complaining)

He nods and says, "I'm going off to the agency now. Let me know if you need anything." He then walks off.

A few minutes later, I walk out the door to start my walk to the studio. As I walk by Izuku's apartment, the door opens and out walks Izuku himself.

"Oh! U-uh hey Y/n." He greets me. "Where are you headed?"

"I'm on my way to my dance studio. I have practice today." I reply. "How are you doing after the USJ incident?"

"O-oh I'm fine. How are you? You weren't looking so good." He asks.

"Gee thanks."

"A-ah! Th-that's not what I meant!" He waves his hands around frantically.

"It's fine. I know what you meant. Just teasing you. I doing great." He sighs.

As I continue my walk, Izuku asks, "Do you mind if I walk with you?"

"Not at all! C'mon!" We then start walking side my side to my destination. His face turns bright red when our hands slightly brush. I laugh at his adorableness.

Izuku pov

AHHHHHHHH! Our hands touched! I feel my face heat up and Y/n laughs at my red face. This just makes me blush harder. I can't believe I'm walking with her!

A few days ago I asked my mom about what I've been feeling whenever I'm with Y/n. She just squealed and crushed me in a hug. Then she said something like, "My Izu has a crush!" Then she explained how what I'm feeling is me having a crush on Y/n. This actually explains a lot.

(Finally Izuku admits his feelings!)


After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at my studio then he ran off saying bye. Weird. Whatever. I walk in and am immediately talked in a hug my my teammates.

"ARE YOU OKAY!" They all screamed at me. Then they all get off me and start questioning me.

"Why are you here?"

"Why aren't you at home resting?"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Then they all say, "You have to be more careful!"

"Geez guys I'm fine. I didn't get it too bad." Lies! I just don't want them to worry. I then look behind my friends and see a girl with pink hair and skin. She smiles and waves at me.


"Since now. I'm on your team now I guess." She replies.

"Wow! That's awesome! I didn't think you were a dancer."


Our teammates look between the two of us with confused looks on their face. "You know Ashido?" Asks Sora. I nod.

After a few minutes, our teacher comes into the hall and tells us to go into the practice room. When we're all hearded into the room, our teacher begins talking.

"Hi. Welcome back. I see you've met your new teammate. Now let's get down to business." She says. "I'm gonna do your hip hop dance this year. Our song will be (insert hip hop song)." Fun! That's a good song.

Then she starts playing the song. OoooOoOOooo. Good song. As I'm vibin I see Mina in the corner of my eye free styling in place. She guud.


After hip hop we go to jazz. The song we're doing our dance to is Piano Man by Mamamoo. Ahh yes. My Queens (you're a queen too momo 💘).

I'm standing next to Mina and she's free styling again so I decide to join her. I was having fun with Mina till the speaker decided to be rude and stop working. It's crying time boyos.


After jazz we went to our last choreography class, contemporary. Our teacher told us that our song was Mercy by Shawn Mendes. Oop.

No one free styled here. Which I was sad about. But I didn't wanna be that one awkward person. We all just stood there chillin and vibin.


Our classes were finally over so I gathered my stuff together again. I walked up to Mina and asked if she wanted to hang out. She said sure. As we were walking out I see a familiar head of green curly hair. Awwwww. Izu decided to walk me home. So sweet.

"Hey Izu!" I say as I sneak up behind him. He jumps sky high.

"Geez Y/n! Don't scare me like that!" He says. Mina and me just burst out laughing. "Oh! Ashido! I didn't know you danced with Y/n."

"I didn't before, but I changed studios and now I do!" As she said that she hugged my side. I nod.

"We were going back to my place to hang out, do you wanna hang out with us too?"

"U-uh s-sure!" He studders. I think it's adorable when he studders. My face turns slightly pink at that thought.

We then start walking to our apartment complex. Mina out of the blue decides to ask, "Do you two live near each other? Because I've seen you walking together a lot."

"Oh yeah! We live just a few doors down from each other. We've known each other since before the end of the last school year." I reply.

All of a sudden Mina starts smirking. "Are you too dating?" She asks. We both blush at her question.

"A-ah! N-no! It's not l-like that!" Izuku studders. Ouch. That kinda stung. I've actually liked him for a while now.

"O-oh yeah. What he said." I say disappointed. Mina just nods and we keep walking.


This was basically just a filler chapter. It was get badly written. I might delete it later. Okay bye.

Love at First Dance II Midoriya Izuku X Fem!Reader IIWhere stories live. Discover now