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I stepped in quietly and took of my shoes getting ready to go up the stairs.

"Neveah!" I heard my dad scream, my heart instantly dropped to my ass, my hands started to shake and my knees threatened to give up on me. Despite my body clearly telling me to run I slowly put one foot in front of the other and walked to the kitchen.

"What time do you call this?" he said surprisingly calm. I avoided looking him in the eye, my eyes searching the room like I had never seen it before. I took in the fact he had the tv in the kitchen playing lowly as he gripped the remote tightly in his hand.

"Cat got your tongue?" I shook my head unsure of whether to speak or not as anything could set him off.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"I- w was at-"

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" He yelled throwing the remote at me, I moved just in time a tear escaping my eyes, I slowly raised my head looking at him. "You better wipe them tears before I give you something to cry about." I did as I was told coming up with a quick story to answer his question.

" I went t to g go see my friend Raianne and we were watching a movie and I fell asleep when we woke up I came straight home." I said hiding my hand behind my back as they shook.

" Neveah do I look dumb? I don't know what the hell your mum would let slide under her care but not under MY roof you do not leave this house without permission don't act like you don't know this. Now go pick a stick." He said sternly.

I already knew the drill, it might have been a long time since I been with my dad but I would never forget how strict he was an how he didn't believe in all that 'don't beat your kids nonsense' as he would put it. I walked slowly to the range of wooden spoons lined up on the counter and carefully picked the lightest looking one up. I shuffled my feet slowly.

" Hurry up I'm tired. Put your hand out." He said, I slowly extended my hand out flinching as he moved into position. "Flinch while I'm hitting you and I will change the stick and beat you more times." I nodded internally preparing myself.

"YOU.WILL.NOT.DISRESPECT.ME.IN. MY.OWN.HOME! YOU.ARE.SIX.TEEN.ACT.LIKE.IT" He said sneeringly whacking me with each word. I forced myself not to flinch as the tears rolled down my face. He got up putting the spoon back as I stood still unsure of whether I should move or not.

"Put your phone on the table, bring down your laptop and you are grounded if that wasn't clear already from home to school and straight back. That friend does not want good for you if she is inviting you out at that time of night. " he said now making a sandwich and dismissing me.

" I need my-" I tried to plead

"Are you talking back?" He turned back to stare at me.

"No sir." I went to get my mac book and brought it down to him before returning upstairs, washing my face and going to sleep.


This time in the house has not only got me bored but also missing my mum and my friends back home. I had really bad period pains so I haven't been to school for the week, the pain had actually stopped by day 3 but since my dad didn't know much about the female body he let me do whatever.

I scrolled down my contacts on my mac book (the only device I was allowed was for school work strictly) quickly tapping Unique's name, it rang for a few seconds before her face filled up my screen I smiled happy to see her.

" So finally you call a bitch, huh" she said looking at me expectingly.

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy." That was a lie, I just didn't want to see her face because it would remind me of what I was missing.

" Busy my ass! But its whatever I missed you, how is the tea and crumpets going?" She laughed.

" It really isn't all tea and crumpets it very far from it thanks." I smiled, I knew before coming here that London was far from the way everyone saw it because of movies like Harry Potter. " So what you up to now?" I asked.

" Well Keisha said its on sight when she sees me so I'm just getting ready." She said seriously holding up a  half empty Vaseline pot.

" Your fighting again? Seriously Unique you promised you would stop entertaining these girls you're already on your 2nd strike." I shook my head at the camera. Dominique was always a fighter she was always ready to start something if she felt a hint of disrespect she was going to pop off whereas I was more of a calm girl I didn't like all the drama, I would only fight if I needed to.

" Veah, I don't need a lecture Keisha's been asking for this beating for a long time staring hard in class or laughing when I walk by but I been remembering your advice so I didn't react. Now she wanna be posting subliminals about its on sight. Bitch I ain't no scary hoe I'm gonna  ride to her house and beat her ass give her something to post on her boring snap." She said walking away from the camera and putting her hair into a bun.

" Just make sure your skinny ass don't get beat up." I smiled coming off the face time and texting Christian what Unique was about to do.

"Don't do me  like that you know I never get beat up. My ride is here I gotta go." Her camera paused for a bit before her faced filled the screen.

" Why you texting Christian like he is going to stop me he IS my ride." she laughed

" Wow that boy don't ever act his age. Send me the video boo."

" I gotchu!" she hung up the phone and I smiled feeling better.

I looked up at the time to see it was 5pm, my dad would be back soon and I still needed to clean the house and boil some rice. I got up to start just as the house phone rung, I looked at the number to see if it was my dad who called at random hours to make sure i was home, it wasn't my dad but it was my brother who I was currently ignoring since he wanted to be a second dad and lecture me about my actions like he wasn't doing worse at my age. I placed the phone down and headed to the kitchen.


Till next time x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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