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- Darkest Hour; Andrea Russett - 

"I appreciate all the rides you're giving me, Renfrow," Ben spoke as he climbed into the backseat of Ren's jeep. Charlie climbed into the passenger seat as Ren got into the driver's.

"No big deal," Ren replied. "As I said, I'd prefer not to have anything else happen to anyone as much as I can help it." Of course, Ren didn't like that it was less free time with Charlie, but even if he didn't want to admit it, he got more than enough free time with the girl.

From sunrise to sunset when he wasn't in classes or they were with the group, they were together. Even then, they were still together, they just weren't by themselves. So he couldn't complain too much as they were still by each other and that's all that really mattered. It was just balancing that time with their friends, also.

"What'd you do with the bike, Renny?" Charlie asked, looking over at the boy with brown hair.

He smiled at her, making it obvious he already had it taken care of. Then, glancing back at Ben, he saw a confused expression on the boy's face showing he was kind of curious as well. "You guys really want to know?" He asked, looking back to Charlie.

"Well, yeah. That's why I asked." Charlie sarcastically told him, earning a playful eye roll from Ren.

"Alright, well, I'll show you then." Ren buckled up, causing the other two passengers to copy his actions. He started the vehicle and instead of pulling out and driving in the direction of Trystan's house like the other two expected, drove to the complete other side of the school, where Nadia's car was parked.

On top of her very expensive red Porsche that her parents obviously bought her, sat the bike she'd bought for Ben to replace his old one. Charlie and Ben's eyes widened, the boy letting out a laugh.

"How-" Charlie stopped, turning to see Ren trying to hide a smile. "How did you do that?"

"I had a little help from Trystan and Tyler." He shrugged, "Mikey too. But he wasn't much help."

"Mikey helped?!" Charlie exclaimed, "That literally sounds nothing like him."

"Yeah, he didn't think he was tall enough or something." Ren shrugged, driving off before Nadia could come out and see them waiting there.

"That's such a lie!" Charlie called out, "Trystan's shorter than him! He's the shortest guy in the group!"

"But he has more muscle than Mikey and Tyler combined, Char," Ren replied, earning a nod from Ben although neither teen in the front could see him.

"So what'd he do then, just stand there the entire time?" Charlie asked.

"Basically," Ren said. "Just kept watch while Trystan and I lifted the bike up on top of the car, then Tyler told us when it was in the center."

"Plus you have to remember that Porsche's aren't really big cars so it might not've been that hard." Ben cut in, leaning forward.

"Yeah. I mean getting it to stay on there was harder than it was getting it up there." Ren explained, shrugging.

"She's going to retaliate, you know that right?" Charlie asked.

"Okay?" Ren asked, "Think I'm scared of Nadia Joseph?"

"Well, apparently not. And clearly, neither are Trystan, Tyler, and Mikey either." Charlie sighed.

"Why are you worried now?" Ben quietly asked, looking over at the girl. "I mean, at lunch, you seemed pretty confident and you weren't scared of her at all."

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