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"These tanks are empty , you took empty tanks" Kie stated.

"You're possibly , the stupidest person I've ever met , John B" I mused shaking my head.

"I... uh" He said scratching his neck.

"Oh wait ! This one is a quarter full. It's enough for one of us" Kie said checking the last tank

"Love it when a plan comes together" JJ sighed.

"Does anybody know how to dive ?" Kie asked.

"I do" I said. I had went diving off the coast of Portugal before and it was amazing , one of the best things I have ever done.

"Of course she does , it's a kook sport" JJ said and I shot him a deathly glare.

"But ... uh ... I don't really remember where you stop and stuff"

"Why do you even need to stop ?" JJ asked frowning

"Cause if you come up too fast nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends" Pope said

"Lovely , that was exactly what I wanted to know" I muttered.

"Bends like as in ...?" JJ said sticking his lower body out and his back made as "S" shape.

"The bends kill you" Pope said

"Splendid" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah , you can dive , I'm cool with that" JJ said turning to me and patting my back

"Let me do some calculations real quick" Pope said and I nodded

"Pope , how do you know what your doing ?" I asked as he muttered away to himself

"I read about it once" He stated and my head snapped up to meet Kie's

"Oh no" I said

"Pope read about it , she's going to die" Kie said laughing

It was a running joke lately that Pope wasn't actually as smart as he made out because when JJ asked him what seven and eight is he said fourteen by accident.

He showed his me his calculations , about where my stop should be , where the boat should be.

"five minutes to get down , two minute pitstop at ten feet . Got it." I said.

Kie suddenly removed her shirt and jumped over board. I saw the boys pretend not to look.

"You guys disappoint me , if your gonna look may as well do it with pride" I said as I removed my shorts.

"Noted" JJ said staring at me , I threw my socks at him. "Damn did Momma K pay for that ass Kimmy ?"

"Your officially a Kardashian" Pope grinned

Kie resurfaced after a minute and pulled me into a tight hug and told me she tied her shirt where I should stop.

"Now kiss" JJ called. I shrugged and moved my head in toward hers.

"Wait I was joking , I don't wanna just get a taste of it . I want the whole thing" JJ said and wrinkled my nose.

"Too far ?" He asked

"Too far" I confirmed pinching my fingers

I was pulled into a hug by John B and I kissed Pope on the cheek. I looked at JJ for a second before deciding to mess with him a little bit. I went up on my tiptoes and looped my arms around his neck putting my hands on his jaw forcing him to look down at me.

"Don't miss me too much" I whispered as seductively as i could manage whilst looking at his lips

"Karter .. you - uh .. you be careful okay ?" He muttered , flustered.

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