thirty two

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-unedited but will be edited soon cause i dont like this chapter-

! Kim

"I told you shit was gonna happen if you lied to me !" Adrian shouted as we drove along roads at a dangerous speed

"So you kill Logan and out me to my friends ?!" I shouted back tugging at my hair.

"Where is it ?" He asked

"As if I'm gonna tell you" I scoffed rolling down my window

"You better , people died last time I was pissed off" He said clenching his jaw

"Let me out of the car" I said through gritted teeth.

"No way , not until you tell me where that damn gold is" He seethed. "I've been looking for this way longer than you and your little pogue friends have , so just tell me where it is"

I rolled down the window. "You better stop the car." I warned

He laughed but stopped the car. "I'll find it. I've got people Karter and I'll find that damn gold"

"I'm sure you will." I said opening the car door. "Thanks for the ride , always good to see you" I hissed sarcastically as I slammed it shut.

I was a small walk from Rafe's house but I really didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I sighed and tried to think of a place I could go , the last thing I wanted was to see my parents right now and normally I'd just head to John B's place but..

"What am I gonna do ?" I breathed out loud.

As I started walking to my unknown destination I could hear the distinct sound of motorbikes. I turned my head and saw a very pissed off Rafe climb off his bike along with Cole and Topper.

"There she is !" He shouted. "The princess herself !"

I sighed and placed a hand on the bridge of my nose as I continued walking. "Not in the mood"

"Rough day after robbing drug dealers ?" Cole asked.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned. "What do you mean 'robbing drug dealers' ?" I asked using quotations.

"We just heard about your little home invasion !" Rafe said walking towards me

I scoffed. "Look I don't know what the fuck you're talking about-"

"Oh really ? You don't remember breaking into Barry's place and robbing 25k from his house ?" Topper asked

I stood there for a second blinking. There was no way my friends robbed Barry , was there ?

"Wait , wait , wait" Rafe said raising an eyebrow "She doesn't know" He said laughing.

"Know what ?" I asked

"Your pogue friends and Sarah are all over the Cut robbing people" Topper said

"Wait wait your serious ? They actually robbed Barry ?" I asked Rafe

He nodded. "They're fucked Kim , he's pissed-"

"He robbed us today." I said.

"What ?!" Cole shouted angrily. "That scumbag are you hurt ?" He asked , his protective side coming into play.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes but I need to go and find them" I said

"Well that should be easy , you're their best friend" Rafe said as if it were obvious , which it usually would have been.

I looked down at my feet and kicked at the pebbles that were loose on the street.

The three boys let out a collective gasp.

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