thirty four

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! Kim
When I arrived onto Tannyhill I told JJ to wait in the car , which he mumbled and grumbled about. I walked up to the door and figured I could play dumb. I took a shaky breath and decided it was the only option I had because I had just knocked on the door.

Surprisingly Wheezie was the one to answer. I smiled as she opened the door.

"Kim ? What are you doing here ? Sarah is-" She began

"I'm not looking for Sarah" I said cutting the moody teen off which was shortly followed by an apologetic smile as she glared at me. "I'm looking for Rafe" I said

"He's uh.. he's.." She stuttered before looking behind her and pulling me in closely. "He's staying at the Glissions , dad kicked him out" I gasped loudly. "Look , you and Rafe are friends so I'm sure he would have told you anyway but Maybank.." She trailed off looking at my now boyfriend who was looking at his thumbs in the car.

"Yeah understood , I'll find him alone , thanks Wheez" I said giving her a noogie.

I walked back to the car.

"Well ?" JJ asked as I got in.

"Change of plans.. I'm finding Rafe , you guys go on the HMS without me" I said.

"What ? Why ?" He asked sitting up instantly.

"Because.. because - it's a Rafe thing" I said slowly

"Oh" He rolled his eyes. "A Rafe thing huh ?"

"A best friend thing" I said looking over at him

"Best friends , yeah okay" He said.

"I promise" I said leaning over to him.

"Fine" He huffed and pouted before pecking me on the lips.

ONCE I DROPPED JJ back with the rest of the pogues I headed off towards the Glissions place. I chewed on my already bitten nails until I pulled up outside their beautiful home , I wondered how Rafe finessed them into letting him stay here. I shivered as the cold breeze of the early morning skimmed over my skin raising goosebumps.

I didn't even bother to knock as I entered the house , I could hear him humming away upstairs so I followed the sound of his voice until I reached a small outdoor balcony where Rafe was sitting with a bong and some Playboy magazines.

"Rafe ?" I asked with wide eyes.

He looked a mess , his hair was messy and his eyes wild as he quickly flipped the magazine over.

"Sorry" He grinned sheepishly. "Want some ?" He asked holding the bong toward me

"No , I don't" I sighed. "You're a mess" I said after a quiet minute.

"Yeah ?" He laughed , not his usual laugh though , this was a bitter laugh.

"Yeah" I said raising an eyebrow. "You gonna tell me what happened or ..?"

"You gonna tell me why you're here ?" He asked.

"That can wait a minute I guess" I said twisting Noah's ring around my finger , I pondered if I should take it off for a second before dismissing the idea , Noah's ring may have once been a marriage sentiment but now it was nothing more than a token of our friendship.

"Look Karter I don't need your pity party or worse , I don't need you telling me how to fix my life so just tell me why your fucking here" Rafe spat. Ouch , I blamed it on the drugs.

"Fine" I said holding my hands up. "Jeez you seem to have it all figured out anyway" I said referencing the drug and cash filled table in front of us.

"Look I need to know where your dad is Rafe" I said and Rafe laughed that bitter laugh again.

"God its a good thing you came looking for me and not Sarah" He said.

"What do you mean ?" I asked frowning

"Well him and Sarah are jetting off to the goddamn Bahamas in the morning. 'Family business' they said" He continued anger lacing his voice.

My jaw dropped , there was no way Sarah was involved in this ?

"Yeah I know , I had the same reaction. Since I'm officially disowned Sarah is next in line to take over !" He sarcastically shouted getting more heated with anger as he spoke "Even though I know a billion times more about the business than she does" He said hitting out at the post near him causing me to jump slightly

"Wait .. he's flying out ? In the afternoon ? With Sarah ?" I asked unable to move on from this fact.

"Yeah ..?" He said.

"Rafe" I said my brain suddenly switching back on. "You need to drop me at John B's house" I said urgently.

"What ? What is up with you Kim ?"

"Rafe ! Now seriously cmon !" I said running down the stairs.

AS RAFE AND I PULLED UP TO JOHN B'S house I told him to meet us at the airstrip in a bit. He sighed reluctantly but drove off.

"Pope ?" I called as I saw him running towards the house.

"Kim ! I figured it out ! The -"

"The gold ? In the air ?" I asked frantically

"Yes !! Cmon we got to tell the guys" He said puffing and panting.

We ran in side by side , Pope began to spew words out but he was out of breath and frantic after a few seconds he waved me on to continue his story as he put his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath.

"John B , Sarah is flying out today.. with Ward." I said

John B frowned and I could see the cogs turning in his mind. "Sarah ..? But- Oh my god." He said suddenly realising.

"The gold" Kie and JJ said in sync.

"The gold. They're flying it out" I nodded confirming their suspicions.

"But Sarah.." Kie faltered.

"She must have told her dad where it was" JJ concluded. A moment of silence fell on the group. Nobody could disagree , not even me.

As sad as the fact made me I had too  , there was no other way he could have found the gold and now she just coincidentally was flying out with him ? It didn't add up.

"Wait that means we've gotta go !" Kie said suddenly jumping back into action mode , we all began sprinting out to the front of the house.

"Guys wait !" Pope called after us , stopping us all dead in our tracks.

"Do we really have to run ... I mean I ran the whole way here and I'm pretty tired.." Pope said sheepishly

"I guess not" I laughed despite the situation we were in. "Dibs on driving though" I smirked

"Oh my god were all gonna die" JJ mumbled.

thank you all so much for reading this chapter

how are we all 😏 i haven't seen u guys in a hot min

love u ❤️

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