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I decided to go home after our Lana Grubbs escapade because I was still slightly shaken up and blamed it on exhaustion when my father asked what was wrong with me.

"You know .. Noah and Olivia are in town this week , you should go and talk to them , I'm sure they'd love to see you" My dad said

"Noah and Liv ?! No way ! I'll call for them right now we can go and catch dinner at the Wreck" I said excitedly.

Noah and Olivia were my childhood friends before I had met the pogues , they moved away to Europe with their family when I was around ten and that's how I ended up becoming friends with the pogues , I saw them every two years or so and it was just like old times. They're mom was a big shot designer who had a huge following on social media. They often returned to the OBX for a break from the constant paparazzi following them, because of this , their public images had to be pristine.

I ran down the street and took the familiar turns to get to the Joneses houses , it gave me a strange sense of deja vu as I sprinted along the long road. I eventually stopped outside their large yellow house , I walked up the drive breathlessly and knocked.

"Kim ?! Honey ! It's been so long !" Their mother Charlotte pulled me into her arms. She looked me up and down. "Wow you've really grown into yourself !" She exclaimed

After a minute or two of us talking , the sounds of people's feet thudding off the steps was heard throughout the house.

"Kimmy !" Olivia shouted pulling me into a tight embrace. "You got hot !" She smirked devilishly

One of the main reasons I loved Olivia was because she was so honest , she was a big part of the reason I'm so outgoing and not shy , she was wild even as a kid and always got us into trouble , granted I was a big part of us getting into trouble too..

Her brother , Noah , was older than us by a year or two and was possibly the cockiest person I had ever met , the only difference there was that he could actually pull it off , he knew when the right moment to make a quip was and when the wrong one , so the trait was actually quite attractive in him , he was also insanely protective of us girls. I used to have a huge crush on Noah and Liv insists he had one of me too but we were too young to ever even think about taking it further. He soon came down the stairs and hugged me so tight that I was convinced my bones were crushed , he spun me around too before eventually putting me down.

"Kim Karter , I never thought I'd see the day where I saw you again" He smirked

"Well I heard you guys were back and just wanted to see if you guys could come out to dinner ? I could fill you in and you guys tell me all about Europe ?" I smiled

"Yeah of course , is Cole coming ?" He asked , when we were younger it was always us four , once Noah and Liv left Cole became so much more distant and started hanging around Rafe and we drifted apart after time. I knew deep down that Cole really missed Noah.

"I'm not sure , we can stop off at my place and ask him" I said , Noah looked at me strangely , probably wondering why we weren't together because of course , he had no idea how much my older brother had changed throughout the years.

"Yeah sure that works , we can take my car"

"You got a car ? Woah" I said , I found it so strange that the boy who used to rescue me from towers with dragons was now about to drive us all out for dinner , growing up was a strange part of life.

"Sure did , I just got it so I need to get used to it" He said

"That's just his excuse for him being a terrible driver" Liv butt in with a laugh

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