Chapter 2: Staying with Luna

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It had been a rough first week of summer for Lily. She hated it. All of it. She hated how weak she was a being over some tosspot cheater. She could never stop crying, or come out of her room. She did feel slightly better when her mum and Caroline would try to talk to her. But, one talk in particular with her mum made Lily's mood change instantly. Ginny had said that she could go stay with Luna this week, the week before Scorpius and Rose's wedding. Lily wouldn't miss anything much because it would mostly be her Aunt Hermione doing wedding planning stuff like a madwoman.

Since Luna was Lily's godmother, Lily always stayed with her for at least a week in the summer. Out of all of Harry and Ginny's kids, actually out of all the Potter/Weasley cousins, Lily was the closest with Luna. They always had spent time together doing different things. It was kind of nice to just have some girl time with her. Even though over her visits she did see Rolf, Lorcan, and Lysander, her and Luna always made some time to have girl time together.

Lily was so happy when Ginny told her this. It definitely distracted her from the whole Nick situation. But, what Lily didn't know was Ginny had wrote to Luna explaining everything that had happened, so Luna thought it would be a brilliant idea for Lily to come and stay with her, to get her mind off of things.


The morning that Lily was going to leave for Luna's, she woke up in the greatest mood she had been in all week. She instantly hoped out of bed, took a fast shower, casted a drying charm on her bright ginger hair, and then swept it up into a ponytail, and got dressed for the day. She put on a pair of light denim shorts, an old Holyhead Harpies T-shirt, which she tied a knot in the front of, and a pair of white slip on Vans. Just to top it off, Lily slid on a few of her favorite rubber bead bracelets. She then looked at her freckled face and red hair in the mirror one more time, before starting to throw clothes and stuff in a backpack  for the week ahead of her.

Once she was done packing, with her backpack on her back, and wand in her back pocket, she headed downstairs to grab a bite to eat before leaving.

"Wow. I didn't know that you ever come out of your room." James said sarcastically to his sister as she came downstairs. When he said this, Ginny gave him a death glare. Lily noticed this, and acted like nothing was wrong.

"He's right. I need to get over the git." Lily said, as she walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed a doughnut, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Well, I'm glad to see your in a better mood. I know that Aunt Luna is excited to see you." Ginny said back. Ginny was very to happy to see Lily in this good mood. She really hated seeing Lily that upset. It was nice to have the old Lily back.

"I'm excited to see her. I really haven't seen Aunt Luna in a hot minute." Lily responded between bites.

Lily sat down at the table by her oldest brother, and a few minutes later, both Albus and Caroline came downstairs. Lily looked around at her family. She was thankful that they all comforted her during this time. They had all made efforts to try and cheer her up. Her and Caroline had one on one girl talks. Mostly talking about how boys are stupid and overrated. But, they also talked about fun things, like already talking about their dresses for the Graduation Ball for next coming school year. And, how fun Scorpius and Rose's wedding was going to be. Then, James tried to cheer her up by giving her different Seeker pointers, from a pro perspective. He knew that his sister also wanted to become a Pro Quidditch player also one day. Lily wanted to play for the England International Team one day as their Seeker.

Anyways, Lily was finally starting to feel back to normal with her family's support, and now with Luna's. After breakfast, Lily said goodbye to Harry, James, Albus, and Caroline. Her and Ginny stepped outside to Apparate to Luna and Rolf's house. Lily was 17, of age in the Wizarding World, and could now Apparate on her own. Ginny just decided to goin her to say hello to Luna for a moment.

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