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Okay, now, the style I'm writing this Epilogue in really isn't my type of writing style, but, I just wanted a simple way to share with you the main things that happened after the story. Well, enjoy!


After graduating from Hogwarts, it was time to pick a career for Lily. But, before she decided to go on the career hunt, Lily took the summer after graduation to just relax with Lorcan. They traveled around, but mostly just enjoyed still being young and together.

When fall came, Lily started to get serious about what came next on her life path. The first thing she did was rent her own flat, but she did visit her parents and family very often, courtesy of Apparation. But, that wasn't all that happened that fall. With fall approaching, that meant one important thing to Lily; Quidditch Season. Over the summer, Lily trained and trained and trained, and it payed off. That fall, Lily tried out for the Holyhead Harpies, and became their new young, and very fast Seeker. And, what Lily loved most about it, was she wasn't let on the team just because her mum used to be their star Chaser, she like that she had to work for it. After the Tournament, Lily really liked the ethic of hard work pays off.

Then, for the next six or so years, pretty much everything stayed the same in her life. She continued to rent her own flat, play Seeker for the Harpies, and dated Lorcan. But then, everything changed, but in a very good way. Just when Lily thought things couldn't get any better with her career, (ever since she became Seeker, the Harpies had won the league championships six years in a row), she was recruited to play on the English National Quidditch Team as their Seeker. Then, that season, England made it all the way to the playoffs, witch led them to be one of the two teams to compete in the International Quidditch Cup. When the big game day came, Lily was in for a surprise. Before the game started, there was an announcement made for Lily to come land in the middle of the field. When she landed, she noticed Lorcan standing in the middle waiting for her, with a microphone head set on for some reason. What shocked Lily even more was when he got down on one knee and proposed to her. Of course she said yes!

After Quidditch season that year, Lily and Lorcan got married and bought a house together. Everything was perfect. Lily and Lorcan's careers were both on track and rising, but, about two years after they got married, Lily found out she was pregnant. The couple was absolutely thrilled  about it, but, this caused Lily to hang up her broom for a little bit. Nine months later, Cameron Hugo Potter-Scamander was born. Lily and Lorcan agreed to make Cam's middle name Hugo because of how close of a bond Hugo and Lily had during their seventh year with that Tournament. He was born with the signature Wotter ginger hair, but he had Lorcan's multi colored hazel ish eyes. Oh and of course, as he would get older, he definitely inherited freckles from his mum.

Lily returned to play Quidditch after Cam was old enough to not need her, but, she just wasn't playing the same as she used to. She still loved Quidditch with all of her heart, but, she just sensed that it was time to mount her broom. But, that didn't stop her from not having a career in Quidditch though. After retiring, Lily got a job representing Firebolt, and got to help design, test, market, and sell brooms.

Not long after Lily got her new job with Firebolt, she found out she was pregnant again. But this time, Lily and Lorcan found out they were having a baby girl. When she was born, they named her Pandora Caroline Potter-Scamander. Lily found out that Lorcan's grandmother's name was Pandora, and she thought it was really pretty. (A/N: This is actually canon, Luna's mother's name was Pandora). Pandora was born with Lorcan's chestnut brown hair, and she developed Lily's chocolate brown eyes. Over time, like her older brother, she would get Lily's freckles.

And that my friends, was Lily's life path. She was a Champion and the winner of the Triwizard Tournament, achieved one of her biggest dreams of becoming a Seeker for England, married the boy she had known practically since birth, had two beautiful children with him, and scored a second awesome career with Firebolt.

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