Chapter 12: New Relationships & Preparing

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It was now the new year. For all of the students, the night of the Yule Ball was a blast. For two students in particular, it was a night on realizing each other's true feelings. Those two students were Lily Potter and Lorcan Scamander. For the rest of Holiday break, and before classes started again, the two spent possibly every waking moment together. The simply went on long walks around the school grounds, talking about every little thing, from their favorite colors, favorite musician, and to what they aspired to be after Hogwarts. And, when they were verbally speaking, they were "speaking" through their lips on the other's. These two weeks of Holiday break allowed for them to make up for lost time, that they could have had sooner if they both didn't try to skate around the fact that they fancied each other. But now, that the truth were out, they were both happy as can be.

For Lily, she didn't actually know what a wonderful romantic relationship was like. When she was with Nick, it was way different that now being with Lorcan. She really didn't realize this before, but her relationship was almost toxic with Nick. They constantly argued about things, and Nick had manipulated her multiple times. Like, when they argued, and Nick would blame the source of their problems on her, and the only way for her to "make up" was to go to the broom cupboard. It wasn't even enjoyable either. Lily couldn't believe how blind she was to all of this. She was foolish. She fell for that. She considered herself to be strong and independent. Well, that was what manipulators did. They seduced you. For the first time, she was actually thankful that Nick ended it. And, by being away from him, and being with the boy she had seen her whole life, she was happier than ever.

"Hey, are you okay? You know you can tell me anything, right?" Lorcan said, as he noticed the deep contemplation in Lily's chocolate brown eyes. That was one of his talents. Being able to read Lily like a book, and know how she was feeling. At the moment, Lorcan and Lily were cuddled up in one of the Gryffindor Common Room's old, comfy, armchairs, by the fire with their friends. Lorcan was holding her close, with one arm holding her close into him, and the other one playing with her soft, strawberry scented, red hair.

"Yea, I'm fine. I'll tell you later." Lily responded truthfully, turning to look Lorcan straight in the hazel eyes. And, she was going to tell him later. It was so easy for her to spill to him, and he always knew exactly what to say. But now, it wasn't the right time, especially because their friends were surrounding them. Just to reassure him, she gave his hand a squeeze, placed the other hand on his cheek, and planted a gentle, tender, sweet, kiss on his lips.

When she did that, Lorcan almost instantly calmed. He knew that Lily would tell him when she was ready, whatever it was. That was one of the things he loved about her. Well, there were many things he loved about her, he could probably write a novel on that. But, just a few things included her feistiness, independence, strength, and not to mention she was a hot red-headed Quidditch Player and Triwizard Champion.

"Not to interrupt you two, but, Lil, come take a look at this." Hugo said from the floor nearby, with books and papers scattered across the coffee table. Hugo was also happy for his cousin and one of his best mates. He knew that the two fancied each other, and they would be perfect for each other. And, now that they were actually together, Hugo was happy to see how happy Lily was. He was glad that she was finally over the cheating prat tosspot git.

"I'll be right back." Lily said with a smile to Lorcan, and squeezed his hand one more time, before getting up from the warm spot where she was sitting, all snuggled into him.

Then, Lily walked the short distance, and plopped down on the floor near the fire next to her also red headed, brown eyed, freckled cousin.

"What's up?" Lily asked as soon as she got situated.

"Well, obviously you know this, but, at the last Triwizard Tournament, the second task was an underwater challenge. And, when we got our uniforms, they gave us a swimsuit. What if the next task is an underwater task?" Hugo started, already having textbooks open, and scribbling down notes. Lily secretly hoped that Hugo would at least wait until break was over, but, she supposed it was better to be over prepared than unprepared. Well, it was now January, and they were informed that the next task would take place on February 1st. That was one month.

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