Chapter 17: The Best Date Ever; Part 2

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Once Lily made it out of the common room, after letting Caroline get her ready for her date with Lorcan, butterflies flooded her stomach. Why was she so jittery? She had known Lorcan as long as she could remember. Well, she hadn't been with him like this as long as she could remember. She could probably bet 50 galleons that was why.

"Stop it Lily. You have absolutely no reason to be nervous. This is Lorcan Scamander we're talking about. One of your best friends and biggest goofs you know. Nothing to worry about!" Lily thought with her inner conscious, as she made her way to an empty corridor shortcut she knew to get to the Astronomy Tower without being spotted by Filtch.

Lily continued to briskly walk all the way across the castle, until she reached the bottom of the steps to climb up to the Astronomy Tower. She hesitated for a moment. But, when she heard a light sound of soft and light music coming from somewhere up above, she broke her hesitation, and started to climb up the stairs. As she kept climbing, the music got a little louder, but had a more quieter, soft, sweet, melody to it. Lily could feel her insides doing backflips. The cause of that was due to her mixture of nervousness and excitement. But, Lily thought her stomach did a whole 360° flip when she reached the top stairs.

Taking in a quick deep breath, and after a moment's pause, Lily climbed the last steps and was now in the deck of the open Astronomy Tower. When she took in it all, she thought she was going to melt because all of the feelings that were rushing to her heart. The sight that filled her vision was wonderful. Lorcan had made everything perfect. First, Lily's eyes landed on a table that set up in the middle of the deck/room. It had a pretty, lace, white, tablecloth on it, a beautiful, full of life, bouquet of Tiger Lilies in a vase on top. Not only that, Lily also noticed that there were two tabletop easels set up, with a pallet of watercolors and a few paintbrushes in the middle. Lily was in awe. She really couldn't believe what Lorcan had set up for the two of them.

In the summer, when Lily would come to stay with them, Lorcan noticed that his mum gave Lily art lessons. And, from what he observed, Lily seamed to enjoy them very much. So, why not? It was a very unique date idea, but he thought Lily would enjoy it. With help from Lysander and his mum, Lorcan made the date perfect for him and Lily. From her favorite flowers to her favorite music, Lorcan wanted everything to be perfect. He wanted this whole night to be perfect. With this date, it would be a nice break from reality for the both of them. For a night, Lily could take a break from all of her Triwizard stress, and he could take a break from studying for N.E.W.Ts.

Before Lily would inform Lorcan that she was there, (he was just setting up some final touches), she listened to the last detail. Not only did Lorcan take the time to do something like this for them, he also took the time to find and play Lily's favorite songs. In the background, to completely set the vibe, Lily heard Dreams by Fleetwood Mac playing lightly and softly. Between Caroline's love of 70's music, and Al's liking for 80's rock, Lily had taking a great liking to the genera. But, what Lily didn't know, is that her grandmother shared the same appreciation for Fleetwood Mac that she did. Being a teenager in the 70's, and being Muggle born, Lily Evans's absolute favorite band was Fleetwood Mac.

"Hey Love......woah. You look gorgeous." Lorcan said, finishing his final touches. He heard Lily come in, but didn't look up until he finished picking off the dead leaf from one of the flowers. But, when he did look up, his eye size multiplied by five. He was straight out. Lily did look gorgeous. Don't get him wrong, he loved Lily no matter how she looked or what she was wearing, but, when he saw her like this, he thought his jaw was going to hit the floor. In his 17 years of life, Lorcan had never seen a girl as beautiful as Lily Potter. Her long, strawberry scented, soft, fiery, red hair, cascaded down her back like a rushing river. But, what he loved most about her look was her glasses. She looked really cute in glasses. She didn't think that, but he was certain of it. He just couldn't believe, after years of fancying her and nothing in return, that he was finally with the girl of his dreams.

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