Chapter 10: Why Does Fancying Someone Need To Be So Confusing?

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For the next two weeks after the first task, all Lily and Hugo heard was gossip about it. Hugo actually seamed to enjoy the attention towards it, and Lily for some reason kind of seamed oblivious to it. Truth was, her mind was in a different place. She couldn't get the sight she saw in the Mirror of Erised out of her head. She still couldn't believe that her heart's deepest desire was to be with Lorcan Scamander. Again, she had always thought her greatest wish was to be the Seeker for the English National Quidditch Team. Not this.

Lily had very mixed feelings about it. She didn't deny this, she did fancy Lorcan. He was amazing. He had these multi-colored eyes, fluffy looking chestnut brown hair, faint freckles that looked like they were just flicked onto his cheeks. That was just his physical appearance. His personality was 100 times even better. He was always so positive, even in the darkest situations. He supported and cared about everything Lily did. And, to top all of that off, he was a wicked Chaser for Gryffindor. He was perfect. But, Lily had some hesitations.

Even though Lorcan was amazing, Lily wasn't sure if she was ready to get back into another relationship. Her heart had been ripped into thousands of pieces when Nick cheated on her. She wasn't sure if she wanted to risk something like that happening again. That was basically the only reason why Lily didn't want to get back into a relationship. Well, she knew that Lorcan would never do something that cruel to her, but, she didn't think Nick would do that either.

As Lily was thinking these conflicting thoughts, she was sitting in a comfy chair in the Common Room, polishing her and Hugo's replica of Godric Gryffindor's Sword. Put aside all her thoughts, Lily did like having a sword. She knew it wasn't the real one, but it was cool. It was made of silver, had rubies encrusted in it, and had the words Godric Gryffindor engraved in the blade. She wished that she could hang onto it, since it was a fake and all, but, she knew that it would have something to do with the next task.

"Hey guys. McGonagall wants you both in her office. I didn't ask for what, but I know she wants to see you." Caroline said to Hugo and Lily as she plopped down on the floor, and placed a piece of parchment, ink, and a quill on the coffee table, probably writing her daily letter to Albus. Around her, Lily was in the armchair polishing the sword, Hugo was sitting on one of the sofas reading, with Daisy massaging his shoulders and back, and Lorcan was sitting at a nearby table, working on Herbology homework, trying to steal glances at Lily without her noticing.

"Oh, okay, thanks Line." Hugo replied, after waiting a second for Lily to answer, but she never did. When Hugo looked at his cousin, just by reading her eyes, he could tell that she wasn't with them, rather in a deep thought.

"You coming Lil?" Hugo asked, as he got up, and headed towards the portrait hole.

"Oh, yea." Lily answered, snapping back to reality. She got up from where she was sitting, directing for her friends to watch her sword, and followed Hugo out of the portrait hole.

After they fully exited the Common Room, Hugo couldn't help but ask Lily what was up.

"Lily, what's going on? I feel like ever since the first task, you haven't really been with us." Hugo stated, curious to know the conflict in Lily's head, as they were walking across the castle, towards McGonagall's office.

"Oh, umm...." Lily started then paused. Shoot. If Hugo noticed, then Lorcan probably did too. Shoot. They probably think she was shutting them out or something. Well, out of all her friends, Hugo was the one she trusted the most. He wasn't just a friend, he was family. She supposed that she could tell Hugo what was going on.

"I'm listening." Hugo added after Lily's pause. He knew that something wasn't right with her. He needed to know why though. There wasn't really anything that he could think of that would have her like this. They just won the first task, and everyone in the school was paying attention to them. Maybe that was it. All of the attention they were getting. No. That wasn't it. Lily didn't let that kind of stuff bug her. If anything, that's what she thrived on. She liked being the center of attention. There was something up, and Hugo needed to find out.

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