Chapter 24: Lyra Astoria Malfoy

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After a week of pretty much partying every night, Lily and Hugo found themselves in St. Mungo's again. But this time, it wasn't for either of them. It was for a great reason. One night, while they were sitting in the common room sipping Butterbeers with the people in their house, with Lily and Hugo being forced to tell their victory story over again for the thousandth time, a first year approached them and informed them that McGonagall requested to see them in her office. Lily and Hugo looked at each other and shrugged. Now, with the tournament over, and Hugo and Lily already collecting their prize money, what could she possibly need? But, the two got up from where they were sitting, and exited the common room.

"What do you think she wants?" Lily asked Hugo. To be honest, this past week had been the most relaxing week Lily and Hugo had all year. Well mostly. We'll get back to that in a second. But, other than a certain conversation that took place this week, the week had been one of the most relaxing Lily and Hugo had all year. Luckily, the teachers decided to put Lily and Hugo's homework load to the minimum, letting them relax for a bit after that grand victory to the most challenging magical competition ever. So, they just got to relax while their friends were scrambling to squeeze in some last minute studying for N.E.W.T's that were just around the corner, and got to celebrate their victory in peace.

But, back to a mostly relaxing week. For Lily, it was a completely relaxing week. But, for Hugo, that wasn't really the case. Ever since before the third task, Hugo had a weight dragging him down. Before the task and all the crazy stuff started, Willow had come to wish Hugo luck, and of course, right at the same time, Daisy had to show up also. But, with all the things that happened with Lily, and then the victory, Hugo was kind of putting it off. On the flip side though, after that last night he shared with Willow, he needed to do it. So, a night this past week, he pulled Daisy aside and (FINALLY) broke up with her. By no means did Hugo expect it to go well, and his assumptions were correct. He was trying to end it on a positive note, but she was making that extremely difficult. He was completely honest with her. He explained how he felt, how he didn't feel like they had that spark anymore. Of course, that didn't end well. She kept bringing it all back to Willow, until Hugo told her about her. This ended this nasty, with her screaming and sobbing at him. It wasn't the way Hugo had in mind to end it, but at least, now it was over, and he wouldn't feel so guilty writing to Willow.

"I don't know." Hugo responded, as they said the password to McGonagall's office, and climbed up the staircase. When Hugo and Lily approached McGonagall's desk, she gave them a warm smile. This was a little odd. By no means was McGonagall not nice, but, it was a little different to see her great them with a warm smile. Usually, she had a look of authority on her face, which was pretty intimidating at times.

"Ms. Potter. Mr. Weasley. I see they delivered my message. Oh no. No need to sit. Trust me, you won't want to sit." McGonagall said, in a weird almost bubbly tone, as Hugo and Lily tried to sit down.

"Please, don't mind me Professor, but may I ask, why are you in such a cheerful mood?" Lily asked, but soon regretted, because she just asked that to the Headmistress of the school. Luckily, McGonagall didn't seam offended by the question.

"Oh, well, for certain reasons. I'll let you two figure that out. But, the reason why I called you two to my office was to grant you permission to use my Floo." McGonagall said. Both Hugo and Lily looked at each other, confused.

"I must say, I suggest that you two Floo to St. Mungo's as soon as you can. You're family's waiting for you." McGonagall added. With her direction, though still a tad confused, Lily and Hugo both walked towards the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, and shouted St. Mungo's Magical Hospital. Soon enough, Lily and Hugo were engulfed by the flames, and were traveling in the Floo system, passing many family room fireplaces.

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