Hello, Joker Card

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I woke up to the smell of food. What time is it? 7:50! Why didn't anyone wake me up? I quickly got ready, but by the time I was ready it was 8:15. Come on! If we take a taxi we'll be there in 5 minutes, but if we walk we'll be there in 15 minutes. Ok, taxi it is.
(Fuyumi's Outfit 👇)

I ran toward the smell of food, and I saw the girls in the breakfast nook

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I ran toward the smell of food, and I saw the girls in the breakfast nook. Taking their sweet time! "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked with a blink of my eyes. "Oh, we wanted you to relax. We have time." Li Ming said in a chill voice. "It's 8:17." I said with another blink. That was when chaos started. They shoved a bento box in my arms while dragging me out the door. We finally got to school at 8:22, and we were about to go to class when we saw Shan Cai walking to something. Or somebody. We saw Shan Cai pass the boy without even glancing his way, and we knew something big was about to go down. She stopped, and yelled, "Daoming Si!" Oh, now I know what she's gonna do. She's gonna kick him. I voiced that thought to the girls while they said that that wouldn't happen. I saw her throw back her backpack, run to him, and kick Si straight in the face. Called it! He fell on the ground while F-3 just stared at him, and then Shan Cai. "Who wants to play cards with you? I, Dong Shan Cai, will not be bullied by anyone." She said while throwing her joker card at him. I clapped at her while the Golden Duo just stared at Daoming Si. Shan Cai ran away while I walked by F-4; taking one more picture. By the way, since I thought she was gonna kick him I recorded everything. I just smiled proudly at the knocked out Si before glaring at Lei and going to class.
We had just finished our first class, and we were going to our next class when I tripped. Over my own feet. I was getting up when I heard someone clear their throat. No, no, no. It better not be- It was him. Hua Ze Lei, the cold hearted guy, was holding out his arm. I grabbed it and pulled myself up using all my strength, but it just made me bump into him. Hard. Ouch. I rubbed my head while he said, "You're always getting hurt when you're around me; are you nervous?" He asked leaning down not so slightly, so we would be eye level with each other. "No, I'm not. You're just always in my way or around me when I'm hurt." I said staring him down. "I've never been so interested in someone since ever. You are just so weird." He said with a blank stare. "It's called being obsessed, mate." I said sassily. "Why would I be obsessed with you?" He asked back just as sassily. "Well what's that supposed to mean?!" I shouted while he just walked away. I went to class when I noticed that I had forgotten about the Golden Duo. Uh oh. "Wu Jun Fuyumi! What was that about?" Li Ming asked angrily. They knew my middle name? Oh ya, I told them last night. "What was what about?" I asked generally confused. Oh, were they talking about me staying back. "Guys, it wasn't my fault that I tripped and stayed back." I said honestly. Li Ming smacked my head while we started writing the notes that were on the board. "We're talking about your fight with your boyfriend." Meili said with a smile. I have a boyfriend? "I have a boyfriend?" I asked. I only fought with Lei, but they couldn't be talking about him-"We are talking about
H U A Z E L E I." Li Ming said pronouncing every letter. "He will never be my boyfriend nor will I ever like that faux angel; he's a demon." I said getting angry at the thought, and with that being said; class started.
We had just finished our second class at 11:30, and we went to lunch when I realized that they had given me an empty bento box. Empty? I was about to tell them when a lunch tray was placed in front of me. Huh? I turned around to see Hua Ze Lei walking back to his seat empty handed. I narrowed my eyes. I was about to get up when Meili said, "Omg, he just gave you lunch. Why did he give you lunch?" Am I really the blunt one in the group? I just held up my empty bento box while the girls apologized non stop till I said it wasn't a big deal. I drank the Yakult, but I didn't really eat the rest of the contents. "Eat your food or else he'll be disappointed." Li Ming said sternly. Why would I care? I voiced my question while she just pointed behind me. I turned around to see him staring me down. What's his problem? I rolled my eyes, and I ate my noodles slowly because why not. I looked at my watch to see that our last class was at 1:3o. "What are we gonna do?" I asked the Golden Duo while they just blinked at me. "Huh?" They said in sync. "We have 2 hours till class, so......" I said drifting off. "Oh." They said in sync yet again. "Let's go to the apartment." I suggested. They just shook their head, but then it was like a light bulb went on in all our heads. "Let's go get mochi ice cream!" We exclaimed at the same time, and like that we went to a nearby supermarket. We ate our mochi ice cream, and when we were done we walked to the nearby park for some fresh air.

Life is tough; deal with it! (Meteor Garden 2018) Hua Ze Lei Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now