Hello, Short Day

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I woke up to the sun blinding me, and I remembered that we were flying back today. I did my morning routine, and I ran out the door. Just to remember that I needed to pack. Whoops.
(Fuyumi's outfit)

I then saw Lei standing in front of his door, so I did what any lazy, poor soul would do

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I then saw Lei standing in front of his door, so I did what any lazy, poor soul would do.

"Lei, can you please help me pack?" I asked with a pout.

"Fine." He said after staring at me for 5 straight seconds. I counted! I ran to him, grabbed his hand, and dragged him over to my room.

He helped me pack the stuff that I had taken out like my millions of electronic devices. I'm proud to say that I'll never run out of technology! But maybe I shouldn't be proud.....

"Done." He said with a blank stare. He looks too upset. How is he going to stand Jing's announcement?

I poked his cheek, and said, "Stop being so gloomy! I'm not even that bad of a companion!" Then he smirked at me. Uh oh.

"Oh, but you are." He said with a getting-brighter-by-the-second face. Why is he only happy when I'm not happy? So unfair!

"Hey!" I shouted before grabbing his ear and pulling it down to my eye level. Which was very low.*Sigh* Oh well. At least it hurts him. Hopefully. That demon is so unpredictable. One moment he's being mean to me and the other he's being kind and innocent. Argh!

"Yes?" He said before bending down even more, so now our faces were centimeters apart. His breath smells like coffee. What is with his obsession with coffee?

"Why does your breath smell like coffee? Do you drink coffee 24/7?" I asked while crossing my arms. I had let go his ear as soon as he leaned down, but he was still leaning- No, he just moved away. To laugh! The nerve of this guy!

"I don't know, but I've drank coffee since I was 10, and it's kinda addicting." He said with a smirk. Question marks filled my head. Addicting? Like alcohol?Isn't that dangerous?

"Isn't that dangerous?" I asked since I wanted to know.

"No. I honestly don't know why my breath smells like coffee since nobody has ever asked me that question." He said with a kind smile. Is he bipolar? What about Jing?

"Not even Jing?" I asked curiously while he froze. Did I say something wrong?

"Not even Jing." He repeated in a statement like way. Oh. Ok!

I nodded, and we carried my bags to the taxi.
We had just gotten off the plane, and Lei offered to drive me to my apartment. And who was I to disagree a free ride? The Golden Duo were going to be back in a week anyways.

We were getting in his car with me in the passenger seat when he asked something surprising. "Can I stay at your apartment for the night? I live alone, and didn't you say that your friends aren't there?" He asked with a short side glance.

"Sure. Why do you live alone?" I asked because I was curious. But again isn't that my excuse for everything? Wait, why am I bashing myself?

"Because my parents are in America. They are both the CEO of a clothing company." He said before stopping at a red light. Oh.

"Oh ok. You know, my parents are kind of hard to describe," I said with a frown. "Wait! No wonder you're so good with your clothes! As expected of you. Not that I like it..." I trailed off with a pout. It wasn't fair! Even a model can't compare to the CEO of fashion!

"We're here." He said while parking in the inside garage. So that's what the card was for!

"Ok." I said before jumping up, and trying to run to the elevator. Keyword 'trying'. "Why'd you pull my arm?" I asked with a frown.

"You ever heard of look side to side before walking or running?" He asked sarcastically.

I think I've heard of it once or twice.... "I don't know. Also what's with the sarcasm, Mr. Bipolar?" I said while crossing my arms. He's so annoying!

He just shrugged and walked off. (.....) That evil demon! Why am I letting him sleep here again? I forgot. Oh well.

We walked into my penthouse, and I immediately flew to the couch. I sank into the couch and grabbed a pillow happily while he just sat on a comfy chair.

"What do you want to do for now?" I asked with a tilt of my head. We had 3 whole hours before it even reached 8pm!

"You choose." He said with a bored expression. Grrrr!!!! So annoying!

"20 questions." I said with a smug expression. I'll beat him! Wait. Wasn't I supposed to crack his cold-hearted shell? Waa!!!

"Fine." He said with an amused expression.

"What's your favorite food?" I asked because I was honestly curious about the foodie's favorite food.

"Cookies." He said with his innocent expression. Cookies? Cool!

"Cool! Your turn!" I said excitedly because I was excited. I passed him a plate of cookies before getting my own.
We had just finished playing and eating, and I had learned a lot of things about him. Like how he is mildly autistic, Jing helped him with it, he likes hot springs, and that he loves puppies. Puppies! Wow. Wait. Where's Spot?

"Lei, have you seen a puppy around here?" I asked seriously.

He laughed. He dared to laugh when I was serious! How rude! "Why would I see a puppy here?" He asked with a smile.

"Because there is a puppy here-Ahh!!!" I screamed because Spot had just leaped on my lap. Out of nowhere! "Where did you come from, Spot?!" I asked because I was starting to doubt she was normal.

"Probably from the side of the couch." Lei said while pointing at the little space between the couch and wall. Oh.

"Let's go." I said before standing up.

"Where." He asked while I realized that I didn't tell him. Whoops.

"To my music room." I said before turning on my heel, and then turning back again. I forgot where the music room is. "I forgot where the music room is." I said with a shrug.

We spent the next 5 minutes trying to find it, and we finally found it next to the library. That's surprising.

"So what are we doing in the music room?" Lei asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Music lessons." I said while passing him a violin to work with.

"Oh." He said looking stumped. Victory to me! Kinda......

We practiced for a whole 2 hours before I showed him to the last room (Room 4). After another 10 minutes of finding it, of course.

"Goodnight." I said while waving my hand.

"Goodnight." He said with a smile. That's kinda cut- I should video chat the Golden Duo.

I found my room, and I did my night routine before going to sleep......

Hey guys! Today I did a type of Lei and Fuyumi day, and yes I do know that him staying over is really weird. But I honestly just want to advance the plot a bit more. The picture above is the indoor garage that is part of her apartment building.

Life is tough; deal with it! (Meteor Garden 2018) Hua Ze Lei Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now