Hello, Shanghai

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Goodbye, London. Hello, Shanghai. My name is Wu Jun Fuyumi, and I am proud to say that I got into Ming De University. But first let me rewind a bit. You see it all happened when I was 3 weeks old, and my parents were now suffering financially because they now had two children. They were out on the street crying when Liz and Harry walked by. They noticed my parents with two babies in their arms, and they asked why they were crying. They said because they were having financial issues especially since I was taking up all the money. Why? Because I was born with a weird unknown disease that is somehow related to diabetes, but it developed since I was born. And it wasn't like diabetes for the most part. I was just always malnourished, and I was always very weak. And short. I am a not-so-proud height of 4'8.4'8! In freshman college! Unbelievable. But hopefully I will get better. You are probably wondering how this even has a tiny bit to do with diabetes. You see, before I hit the age of 10; I couldn't eat anything with too much sugar or else I'd faint. And get hospitalized. Anyway, my oh-so-humble adopted parents said, "We'll give you 2 million yuan for your younger child. Please, we are just a young married couple that wants a family." My birth parents said yes hesitantly after a couple hours of thinking, and my adoptive parents took me to London with them. What were they doing in Shanghai? Some business because like you probably guessed; they are very rich. And that is why my malnourishment got better (And I gained a nice few pounds as well) along with my strength. But even to this day; I'm still very weak, but I can run and walk now. Anyway, a month ago I got accepted to Ming De University. So that's where I'm going now, and I am going to stay at an apartment I just bought. Did I use their money? No. I am in a small business that makes websites, and I also help people with their online or fashion problems. You see in London my dad is the CEO of a gaming company, and my mom is an actress/model. So when it comes to looking elegant or computer bugs; I know a lot. I love my adopted parents a lot because they are very humble people, and their coworkers always tell me I take on from them. How flattering! Anyways, I earn a lot of money from both jobs, so I now have a net worth of 1,000,000 euros. Yeah, I'm rich myself. Along with the fact that I am almost completely unknown. Not even the paparazzi know that I'm the adoptive daughter of this sweet couple. Anyways, back to reality. I was looking out the airplane window, when I felt a strong wave of sleepiness come at me. Like always, I obeyed. (A/N 😴😴😴 Means time skip)

I woke up to the flight attendant shaking my shoulder gently. "Miss, we have arrived at our destination." She said softly. "Thank you very much." I said back with a smile. She smiled back, and she nodded happily. Here comes my new life. Yay! I got off the airplane, and I was looking for my bag when somebody asked, "Is this yours, Miss...." I looked up to see a beautiful girl with a kind smile and my luggage. I like her. "Yes, my name is Wu Fuyumi." I said brightly. "My name is Xiong Meili." She said while walking alongside me. Cool! I voiced that thought while she giggled.
(This is what Meili looks like👇)

"Where are you staying?" I asked in a rather blunt way

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"Where are you staying?" I asked in a rather blunt way. "I don't know. I just came from Quanzhou." She said with a shrug. "Ok." I said while dragging her with me. "Where are we going?" Meili asked looking confused. "To my apartment." I said while waving at a taxi. The taxi stopped, and I finally looked back to Meili. "Don't worry; my apartment has two bedrooms for some weird reason. Hehe." I said nervously while rubbing the back of my neck. "Are you sure you want me to stay with you?" She asked like she was trying to get assurance. "Yup. It'll be fun having a housemate with another person that hasn't lived in Shanghai for long." I said whispering the last part. She heard me. "You've lived here before?" She asked. By the way we're in the taxi already. "Yeah, when I was a couple weeks old. My family gave me to my new family for money, but they needed it. So I don't mind." I said with a smile. "Wow, you're amazing. Are you by any chance going to Ming De University?" She asked hopefully. "Yes." I said with an excited tone. We both squealed a bit before we hugged each other. "What are you majoring in?" I asked. "Computer science." She said with a far of look like she was having a happy memory. "Me too! I love gaming; how about you?" I asked. "Same!" She said with an awed expression. I was about to say something else when the taxi man said, "We're here, Miss." Meili and I looked out the window to see a beautiful apartment building, and mine was the penthouse by the way. Not to brag, though. I paid the driver, and I led Meili into the apartment. We took the elevator to the last floor, and when we got out we saw a short hallway to a single door. Our apartment door.

Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and plot. The girl in the top photo is Fuyumi.

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