Hello, Fuyumi

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I've been wanting to do Lei's POV, so this chapter is going to be about all the times Lei meets Fuyumi up till the previous chapter. After this I'll make more Lei POVs, and maybe more people's POV. Please don't hate me if Lei doesn't sound like Lei.
Lei's POV
We were walking to the bridge room when we saw a group of people in front of the room. Whatever. I saw all of them turn except one of the girls in yellow. Whatever. She looked at everyone, and she turned around. But when she saw us she just looked bored. Not that I care. Then some weird girl started shouting at some 'green shoe guy'. We looked down at our shoes to see that Ah Si was the one wearing green shoes. Of course it was. I looked up to see the girl in yellow looking like she was about to burst out laughing. That's an abnormal expression. At least in front of us. Not that I really care. I listened to the weird girl shout at Ah Si. I looked forward to see the rest of the group looking terrified except that yellow shirted girl. She just looked bored. Like me. It's not like I'm gonna meet her again, so why think about her? Ah Si just stared at her, and that was our cue to leave. I heard that weird girl shout at Ah Si, but I didn't care. At all.
We were walking up the stairs to our next class when a cake flew on Ah Si's head. Literally. I was slightly amused, but who did this? I looked up to see the crazy girl, the girl in yellow (But not anymore), and some other girl from yesterday. It seemed like that other girl had accidentally fallen, and she had thrown the cake. Accidentally. But I didn't care. I saw the girl, that I'm gonna call 'Yellow', staring at Ah Si like he was some animal at the zoo. She then quickly took a picture before looking around the room. She really was amusing to watch. Even more so when she just walked up to a box, that I hadn't noticed before, on the railing. She looked a bit uncomfortable after looking down, but she soon settled. But why should I care? The other girl apologized while Ah Si got angry. He really does have a temper. The other girl offered to clean him up, but when she touched him he threw her away. Oh well. I saw the weird girl run to her, but Yellow stayed still while looking around. Is she ok? She then saw us staring, and she said, "Oh, ya. Li Zhen are you ok? Ya, that's what I'm supposed to say." She's ok. She's just an idiot. We all stared at her for a second, and I thought for a second that Ah Si was about to say something to her. But he just started walking away. Her bluntness makes the situation lighter, though. The weird girl started shouting at Ah Si which he responded by saying that 'she had guts'. I don't care, though. I saw Yellow smiling, but I then saw something on the floor. I walked up to it, but it looked like Yellow was about to get it too. So I grabbed her arm, bended down, got the card, and used her to get up. I saw her stumble slightly since she is so short. I saw that her expression was only described as one word. Conflicted. Like she was confused and annoyed, but she didn't know which emotion to portray. Wait, why should I care? I decided against giving it to her, so I gave it to the weird girl who stared at me for a moment before taking it. I decided to not give it to the other girl for some weird reason. I wanted to get on her nerves. Weird. While I was walking away, I secretly looked back to see that she was silently fuming. I felt content for some reason. Am I ill ?
After practically telling off that girl; who was named Shan Cai; I was going to practice the violin when I bumped into something light. What? I looked down to see that it was Yellow. Oh? I offered my hand which she rejected by quickly standing up herself. But then she started looking very faint, and her knees looked like they were about to give out. They did. But lucky for her, I caught her by the waist just in time. She then fainted while I carried her to the nurse's office. Thankfully it was right around the corner or else I may have attracted too much attention. Honestly, Yellow was too light for my liking. But again, it's none of my business. I opened the door to the nurse's office, and the nurse told me to lay Yellow down at a nearby bed. "What's her name, Mr. Hua Ze?" The nurse asked. "I don't know. She just fainted." I said curtly. "Ah, from seeing you." The nurse said in an understanding voice. "No. She looked exhausted." I said emotionlessly. "Oh....I think I know who she is. She is Wu Fuyumi, adoptive daughter of the CEO of a gaming company and actress. She has an unknown condition that has lots of symptoms, and if she doesn't get enough rest, or if she has too much drama or excitement, she will faint from exhaustion." The nurse said finishing Yellow's life story. Or rather Fuyumi's life story. "Mrs, isn't that confidential?" I asked. Why should I care anyways? "Well yes, but your a star student." She said nervously. "May you please never tell anyone else that info unless their administration. I asked politely. I'm so not interested in Yellow..... Am I? "Of course, sir." She said with a smile. I got up, and I left. While I was going to the music room, I saw two of the girls that were with Yellow the first day I saw her. "Hey, you two." I called out in a bored tone. They ran towards me like little puppies. I prefer Yellow. Not that that means anything. "Yes?" One of them asked. "Your friend Fuyumi, is in the nurse's office." I said plainly before leaving. "Wait, did you bring her there?" They asked excitedly. *Sigh* "Yes." I said turning around before heading to the music room, but before I could do that I saw a wallet on the floor. I opened it to see that the ID card was Yellow's. I feel like Yellow is a type of lab experiment. She's just so interesting. But I'm in love with Jing, so I know I don't like her. I just find her interesting. I walked back to the rooftop, and I managed to find out where Yellow lives. I'll pay her a trip tonight, but before that I have to go do something.
It really was disgusting how they treated Shan Cai, but at that moment all I thought of was how I would have reacted if it was Yellow getting that treatment. I don't know what I would've done..... I gave Shan Cai the handkerchief because it disgusted me to see all that food on her face. How did she get that? I heard her say something about 'why did Si have to do this'. Oh. I did a handstand because she just kept crying! I wanted to go to Yellow's already, but if Shan Cai kept crying I would get there too late. I finally got to Yellow's door, and after the information the nurse gave me I wasn't surprised that Yellow had the penthouse. I knocked on the door, and a couple of seconds later she opened it. "Hello....." Yellow said trailing off when she saw me. She has sheep pajamas? She is so weird. "What do you want?" She snapped. "To return your wallet." I said while giving her her wallet. I was expecting a thank you, but all I got was something unexpected. "Are you stalking me?" She asked suspiciously. She was a happy airhead to everyone except me. Why? "I really have no interest in other people's business." I said emotionlessly because I remembered that I had said that to Shan Cai as well. Shan Cai looked stunned, but obviously that wasn't Yellow's reaction. "Then why are you up on mine? I know for a fact that you don't know my name, so you had to search it up to get an address because no one is giving it out freely." She said snappily. Little did she know that the nurse was giving her information out freely. Not my problem that she can't get her information straight. "Because you are my new test subject. Goodbye, and don't just answer the door to anyone in those pajamas." I said because I was seriously bothered that that idiot could answer the door to anyone in those pajamas. I don't know why I cared about my test subject, though. Why? I started walking out when I heard her shout something about 'what was wrong with sheep'. I just looked back, smiled, and walked inside the elevator. She really is interesting.
F3 and I were walking to class when I heard somebody shout, "Daoming Si!" Huh? I turned around, surprised, to see Shan Cai throw her backpack, run to Ah Si, and kick Ah Si straight in the face. Oh.... Ah Si fell on the ground while we just stared at him, and then Shan Cai. To be honest, I was a bit scared... "Who wants to play cards with you? I, Dong Shan Cai, will not be bullied by anyone." She said while throwing her joker card at him. I heard Yellow clapped at her, and I internally rolled my eyes. Only her. Shan Cai ran away while Yellow walked by us. She had been recording us, and she was now taking pictures. She really is shameless. She just smiled proudly at the knocked out Si before glaring at me and walking away. She really is something else.
I was walking to my class when I saw Yellow trip. Over her own feet.  Typical klutz. She was getting up when I cleared my throat. She froze while I put my hand out. Don't want to take her to the nurse again. She grabbed it, but it seemed like she was using all her strength. Oh, because of last time. She bumped into my chest lightly, but I don't think it was light for her because she was rubbing her head. Is she nervous around me? That could explain the reason she's being cold."You're always getting hurt when you're around me; are you nervous?" I asked curiously while leaning down not so slightly, so we would be eye level with each other. She's just so short! "No, I'm not. You're just always in my way or around me when I'm hurt." She said staring me down. Well she does have a point, but she could be lying...."I've never been so interested in someone since ever. You are just so weird." I said with a blank stare. I'm going to investigate if she likes me or not. "It's called being obsessed, mate." She said sassily. Why would I be obsessed with her? I already told her that she's my test subject. "Why would I be obsessed with you?" I asked because I honestly wanted to know. "Well what's that supposed to mean?!" She shouted while I  just walked away. She just makes me so interested..... I hate feeling like this because I usually don't care or I already know about something. That's why I'm going to see her true intentions, so I won't be interested anymore.
I was sitting at a table with F-3 when I saw Yellow staring at an empty bento box. I sighed, and put my untouched lunch tray in front of her. So she wouldn't have malnourishment. I only care because my test subject has to be healthy, right? I walked back to my seat with my usual emotionless face. Over the years, I perfected it. I sat down while F-3 stared me down. "What?" I asked looking at each of them. "Don't give us that innocent look. We just saw you give her your lunch. You, Hua Ze Lei, don't care about anyone. Change of heart much?" Mei Zou asked jokingly. "She's my test subject." I said plainly before looking back at Yellow curiously. "Either way, we should be talking about Shan Cai's flying kick. Shouldn't you be hiding, Ah Si?" I asked while still staring at Yellow. "Never mind that! I'm gonna make that crazy girl pay!" Ah Si said. Then Yellow turned around to see me staring, and she rolled her eyes. She is so childish. She ate the noodles, and I stopped paying attention to her. Why should I? "Let's go get mochi ice cream!" I heard some people scream. Of course , it was Yellow and her friends. I saw Yellow get up and out. Not that I care.........
I was sitting with F-3 in the classroom listening to them talk about Shan Cai's flying kick when I saw Yellow and her two friends walk in. Were those the three freshman that were going to be in our senior class? Yellow really those surprise me sometimes. I saw her looking down at her phone while her friends dragged her near us. "Guys, don't you find Yellow interesting?" I asked. "Yellow?" F-3 asked incredulously. "Oh, I mean Fuyumi." I said with a smile. "I guess I do. Funny how those two freshman can make us amused. Even Lei is amused!" Mei Zou shouted. I just shrugged my shoulders with a smile. I'm just an innocent guy. They sat down in front of Ah Si and Xi Men, but I don't think they noticed. Then Fuyumi looked up from her phone, but she looked confused. ""You again?" Ah Si said to Yellow while she just turned around with a confused face. "What do you mean by 'you again' I'm not the one who gave you an awesome flying kick." She said while Xi Men and Mei Zou chuckled. I just stared at her while Ah Si was silently fuming. She really doesn't know when to shut up. She's shameless. "Who do you think you are?" Si asked scoldingly. "Collecting a  jar of hearts." She said bluntly. Huh? "Huh?" Most of us said. Not me. I looked at her; surprised. What goes on in that head of hers? "Did it hurt?" She asked Ah Si. What is she going to do? "The kick? Nah, that crazy girl is weak." Ah Si said boastingly. How can this guy be such a smooth talker? "No, when you fell for that 'crazy girl'." She said bluntly. What is it with freshman girls bullying Ah Si? Ah Si was about to make another witty remark when Mei Zou butted in by saying, "Yes, it very much did." They are so childish. Ah Si smacked Mei Zou's head while I asked, "Are you jealous?" The boys all looked at me in a surprised manner while I was internally shocked. Why did I say that? "Why would I be jealous?" She asked. We stared down each other when I decided this was getting boring. "I win." She said coolly. She's so different from other girls. She really doesn't know me at all. "No you didn't, I just got tired." I said lazily. "Your name is tiring." She snapped at me. How ironic. "Thank you for stating the obvious." I said tiredly. She looked down while biting her lip. Again why should she know what my name means? That would make her creepy along with the rest of the human population that is crushing on me. I don't mean it to sound stuck up, but it's the truth. "I don't care if I'm stating the obvious." Yellow finally said. I just looked away while I saw her narrow her eyes at me out of the corner of my eye, but she then looked away. Good. But then I saw that she looked away because of her phone. Oh. Class started, and I started actually paying attention to class. F-3 and I started discussing our project plan, and we were starting to get a clearer idea when the professor said, "Class, I have a meeting to get to, so plan your project till I get back and dismiss class." He left, but now Ah Si looked distracted. What is it now? Ah Si tapped Yellow's shoulder, and when she turned around she was right upfront in Ah Si's face. She just blinked. The amount of questions I have stacked up are taller than her. Again that's not saying much. "Do you know when Shan Cai gets out of campus?" Ah Si asked. Of course he would ask that question. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to be his friend. "You're kidnapping her?" She asked looking stunned. "Yes. I mean no. Well it depends if she's willing to go with me." He said. "So you are kidnapping her." She said. Pretty much. "I'll give you anything you want. Name it." He told her. This guy and his bribing! "I'll think about it." She said while turning around to her phone yet again. Who's texting my test subject. Yes, I'm emphasizing that she's my test subject. She turned back to see Ah Si still looking at her. She's gonna get confusion marks on her face if that's a thing. "So?" He asked. "What were we talking about?" She asked her friends. She is so dumb that it hurts me. "About you knowing about when Shan Cai gets out of class." Her friend said. "Oh, why would I know anything about that?" She asked while Ah Si just threw his hands up in exasperation. Poor guy. Can't even find good sources to stalk a girl. "I give up." He muttered. "Can't you just wait outside for her?" She asked bluntly. Why does she act so different with me when she acts like that in front of everyone else. She got smacked on the head by her friend, and I quickly hid my smile. It seems like her friends are her parents. "Great!" Ah Si shouted. Is he a secret sadist? "Did I saw something good or bad?" She asked. I don't think she said say correctly, but it seems like nobody else noticed. "Bad." "Good." Ah Si and her friend said at the same time. "Ok........" She said trailing herself off. She's so cu- The professor walked in, and asked, "Do you have an idea of what to do, class?" I said yes along with most of the class. "You may be dismissed!" He shouted before walking out. I was staring at my already packed bag; bored. "Where are we going?" Yellow asked. Since I was bored, I might as well listen in. F-3 doesn't seem like their going to move anytime soon. "I'm going to get my belongings from my Aunt's house. I don't want to cause trouble-" Sounds boring to me. I blanked out for a moment while thinking about eating. Food sounds good right now. I then heard Yellow saying bye, so I looked up to see her leaving. *Sigh*
I was playing the violin when I saw Yellow and Shan Cai out of the corner of my eye. I ended my playing with a not so pleasant screech."Sorry. I interrupted you." Shan Cai said. Thanks for stating the obvious. What does she want? Can't she see that she is wasting my time? "What is it?" I asked in a rudely way. I really don't want to see her. She offered me back my handkerchief, but I declined because she cried on it last time. Why would I want it anymore? "Also, I received a joker card from F-4." Shan Cai said. "Yeah, all the best." I said without really meaning it while walking away. "Hey! Thank you for what happened. If you hadn't shown up, I would've been in big trouble." Shan Cai said. She better not think I like her. My heart is only for Jing. "Don't misunderstand. I only freaked out because I couldn't stand it."I said emotionlessly. How could anyone compare to Jing. "So can I look for you at the rooftop again?" Shan Cai asked. I looked to her right to see Yellow spacing out. That's why she hasn't interrupted us. Also why would I want Shan Cai to bother me on the rooftop. It's supposed to be for peace. "Then I won't go there again." I said coldly before walking away. "Would you stop acting so stuck up?! You don't even play the violin correctly!" Yellow yelled at me. She was right, though. Even though I practiced 24/7, I still had this unattractive whine in my playing. I couldn't get rid of it. I turned around to look at her, and I asked, "Can you do better?" Was she raised as a rich child? "Yes." She said emotionlessly. Yes, she was. I just smiled back at her before walking out.
I was going to Yellow's locker when I crashed with something light. Yellow? I looked down. Yellow. Is she stalking me? Didn't she ask that to me last time? "Are you stalking me?" I asked with a smirk. "Don't steal my thunder!" She snapped at me while I took this time to give her the joker card that I was going to leave in her locker. "Meet us tomorrow in front of the bridge room at 3 pm." I said with my 100th smirk today. She smiled at me while saying, "Good to know that you feel threatened by me." I frowned. She really doesn't understand that she's my test subject. "I already told you; you're my test subject." I said with a kind smile. She looked like she was trying to contain her rage. She did well. "Bye, bye." She said with a smile. I  just looked at me amused because she actually kept her cool this time. I feel like she forgot about the joker card already, though. I just turned around and walked away, so I could get a taxi.
Hey guys! Did he sound a bit like Hua Ze Lei? I feel like making his POV brings a more interesting perspective. The girl in the picture is Fuyumi or Yellow. Hehe.

Life is tough; deal with it! (Meteor Garden 2018) Hua Ze Lei Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now