Hello, Unexpected

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I woke up to Spot licking my face, and I decided that he is better than any alarm clock. I got ready, and I ran to the kitchen. Yes, I actually ran into the kitchen. Actually I walked, but I still got to the kitchen!
(Fuyumi's Outfit)

 Actually I walked, but I still got to the kitchen!(Fuyumi's Outfit)

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I ate breakfast, and I slowly walked to the taxi. I've been only walking because these days I've been becoming weaker and tired. I started sleeping more and taking medicine, but it still won't go away. It's probably just me adjusting to China. I arrived at the campus, and I went to class(slowly).
I was sitting in the bridge room because I was exhausted, and F-4 had just walked in.

"Why are you here?" Si asked.

"Because I can." I said before looking back at the story I was reading. It was so good!

The boys explained to him, and he angrily stomped onto his chair. I think that's how you say it..... The story I was reading was called Mo Dao Zu Shi. It was so cool!

I blocked out most of their conversations, but I caught the Jing one. I thought she came for me..... Oh well. She's going to leave soon. I wonder how Lei's gonna take it.

I also caught the conversation about Si hitting Shan Cai. What happened?

After Si left, I asked, "What happened?" I thought they were fine.

"Ah-Si got mad after Shan Cai hanged out with Lei on the balcony yesterday." Xi Men said. Wasn't that me?

"How did he know?" I asked because I was thinking something amazing! Yes, I actually thought!

"There was a video that 2 freshman girls took." Mei Zou said while giving me his phone.

I took it to see that that was me. With Shan Cai's jacket. I thought it was Shan Cai at first.

I looked up at Lei to see that he looked like he wanted to object. I need to get him on board. My brilliant plan will then be flawless. Yes, I'm using all my brain cells on Shan Cai and Si. They aren't as perfect as Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, but their still awesome.

"Wow! Lei, that moment with Shan Cai is wow!" I said trying my best to hint him. I think he got the hint.

He just rolled his eyes, and I got up to go to class.
I was walking home today when I got a call from Jing.

J: Hey, girl!
F: Hi, Jing!
J: Are you getting ready for my birthday? AKA the big reveal.
F: I feel weak.
J: Oh. Yeah, maybe you should rest at home.
F: Sorry. Also I feel like Lei is going to go after you.
J: Really? I don't think I want that.
F: You want to be free.
J: Yeah.
F: He doesn't realize that.
J: No.
F: Do you ship Shan Cai and Si?
J: Obviously! I just wish that he would tell her.
F: Imma be the captain of this ship.
J: Yes, girl! I gotta go. Bye!
F: Bye!
As soon as I got off the phone, I felt a wave of dizziness hit me.

I was crossing the street, but I felt myself drop. I started blacking out, and the last thing I saw was something big coming my way fast.......

Hey guys! Like the cliffhanger? Probably not. Is she going to survive or not? Who knows...... Well, I do. The girl in the top photo is Fuyumi.

Life is tough; deal with it! (Meteor Garden 2018) Hua Ze Lei Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now