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I didn't have time to think about what I was going to do next, I just needed to escape from him, I knew if I stayed any longer he'd have me under his spell completely, and I wasn't a push-over. I stormed my way through the crowds for what felt like forever, I was aware now that a lot of people had become highly intoxicated as many of the guys were 'whooping' and trying to entice me with their completely childish behaviour. I tutted to myself and managed to slip into a spare spot at the bar next to where Ebony so happened to be chatting up a tall dark and handsome guy, she hadn't noticed my arrival.

Butting in and making her jump I tapped her on the shoulder with a "Hey there Ebony!"

"OH Ava!" she exclaimed "Hey, this is my new friend er, Rol...Ronan? Uhh Rowan!" she giggled uncontrollably like a drunken schoolgirl whilst the tall dark handsome guy I had now come to know as Rowan shook his head pityingly.

"You drunk much Ebs?" I tried to laugh it off feeling slightly concerned as Rowan was edging more in her direction; he looked a lot older than us, perhaps in his mid twenties.

"Yesss" she looked at me seriously "Rowan's been kindly buying me drinks" she patted him on the shoulder gratefully and he grinned.

Yeah I bet he has I thought to myself and was about to say something when another guy cut straight through the middle of us and pushed into the queue.

"Excuse me" I said sounding annoyed.

"Oh sorry babe" he turned round and flashed a black toothy grin at me "Let me buy you a drink"

"Um, no thank you" I said nicely in the hopes of making him back off.

"Don't be like that, take a drink...HEY BARMAN, HEY..." he was shouting angrily to the busy bar people who were not impressed by the way he was making a scene.

"No really, I don't want a drink, thanks"

"Alright then sweetheart, tell me what you're doing at the bar if you do not want a drink?" he said very smugly believing he had got one over on me.

"Actually I was trying to talk to my friend before you cut in" I beckoned with my hand towards Ebony.

"Oh your friends hot. But not as hot as you" he winked making me feel sick inside, "so how about that drink then gorgeous?"

"No" I tried to turn away but he grabbed me tightly at the top of my arm

"That was a bit rude wasn't it? I'm only asking if you want a drink"

"I've told you already, I do not want a drink, please let go of my arm"

"Don't you like me gorgeous?" he slurred, tightening his grip on me so much that I could actually feel the pulse in the top of my arm.

"No, please let go of me, you're hurting me" I said, my voice suddenly breaking when I realised I could potentially be in a struggle, there were many other people about but everyone seemed too self involved to notice my harasser.

"Oh are you getting scared princess? I don't want to hurt you, but you didn't think about hurting my feelings when you refused that drink did you?" he said the last couple of worlds with real venom, baring his bottom teeth as the words slipped through his vile tongue.

"Let go of me please" I said calmly in the hopes that the drunken man would see sense and let me go, but no luck. He began digging his scabby dirty nails into my arm and this time there was actual throbbing pain. "You're really hurting me" I shouted a little louder this time, the panic emerging immensely in the sound of my voice.

The next couple of moments were a rapid blur, one minute the disgusting man was lunging towards me seizing my body closer to his, his breath blowing heavily on the nape of my neck and the next minute his grip had broken free and he was lying bloody nosed and startled on the cold tiled floor surrounded by screams from other punters at the bar. I looked around me to see who had so dramatically come to my rescue and I saw of course, Ethan glaring down at the man he had just knocked out with the most menacing, hostile expression I had ever seen in my life. I stared at him open mouthed but he ignored me completely and continued to look ragingly at the once bullying, intimidating but now quivering, scared, weak little man on the floor. Oli came hurtling through the crowd and raced to Ethan's side seizing him by the arm, probably in the fear that he was going to attack the man again. Everything seemed in slow motion, even my own reaction. I didn't know what to think, I couldn't get the thought of Ethan's expression out of my head, his reaction seemed a bit extreme, I had a strange sudden sense of feeling that the rage I'd just witnessed had much deeper roots than any of us were actually aware of.

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