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Hey it's ya boi


skinny penis


Walking back to her house, Aerial let out a content sigh.

For her, nothing was better then the soft ache of her muscles after running, except her whole body was sore and not just her legs. Her arms felt like when you wake up in the morning, and you stretch.

Minus the huge scrapes on her elbows and knees.

Those hurt like a bitch, and Aerial was not a masochist contrary to popular belief.

Just because she yelled 'Harder daddy' ONE time when she was getting hit with a stick by her track captain, everyone just assumes she actually likes it rough. How the fuck is a virgin supposed to know if they like it rough?

Humming in content, the platinum blond swung her bag back and forth, debating what she should have for dinner.

'Instant ramen? Or should I cook for pop's and I?'

Aerial contemplated, glancing at the convenience store next to her.

'No.. I'm practically living off of that stuff already.. I thought living on ramen was exclusive for college students? Or is my pa just lazy?'

Aerial stopped walking in a small, mental panic.

'Oh shit! Am I lazy!?'

Aerial would not stand for such blasphemy.

Her? Lazy?

I think the fuck not. She happens to be Japanese-Irish. Not American--

But this is besides the point.

Listing off the ingredients for curry on her fingers, Aerial sighed in relief that she only needed to pick up some rice.

"Mmm... Rice should be all.. Maybe I should pick up some milk too?" Aerial crossed the street to the convenience store, not even looking both ways like a idiot. For sure, if the total mom friend she had met today, Sugawara, was here, he would've beaten her with the nearest object.

Aerial's house was about a forty minute walk, and her dad would be back around 11:00 pm, so that left plenty of time to make dinner, eat, pick up the house a little bit, and then play some awesome hard-core rounds of Call of Duty with her online bestie.

From what Aerial knew, Crusty_Apples was a second year in high school in Japan, and also played volleyball. To be honest, Aerial though Crusty_Apples was a girl at first. He sounds super feminine.

Whistling the Hunger Games tune, Aerial was completely zoning out.

Which would be why she ran into something really hard.

Kinda felt like a wall.

"Oh gosh! I'm sorry!" Aerial laughed at her stupidity, before opening her eyes and looking up.

Only to be met with a lamppost.

"Oh." was the only thing that could escape her as she didn't know whether to laugh hysterically at the situation, or cry for how she was kind of hoping it to be an extremely hot dude.

Rubbing her forehead gently, Aerial picked herself up along with her groceries.

'Thank Satan for my unreasonably hard head.'

The blond sighed, really just wanting to get to her house and eat. And play on her Xbox.

Finally making it to her house, Aerial sighed in relief from the warm air. Instantly, she spotted all the beer bottles in the living room.

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