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Kevin, dude, watch the light! Yeah, watch the light- Kevin-

*hits light with pillow even after being warned*

Fucking Kevin 


As the team walked to the gates of Seijoh, Aerial caught sight of the hunk of man that was Oikawa, who by the way, was standing like a model leaning on the gates. 

As he saw the team approaching, he smirked and put his phone in his pocket. 

Apparently, Daichi had been talking while Aerial was having extremely gay thought about Kiyoko. But would that stop Aerial from continuing to stare at Kiyoko's ass and fantasize? Absolutely not, her thighs could save lives. 

"Wow, for a school they call 'The Flightless Crows' your team seems to be gliding just fine to me, captain." Oikawa tilted his head up almost in a condescending manner had he not been complementing them. 

'That jawline!'

Aerial whined in her head, because this man was standing there simply existing. Being all hot and shit, almost made her forget he was practically flat. But that was ok. Not everyone could be perfect, of course, he was no longer on her eligible bachelor list that might as well touch the moon. 

Tanaka did one of his weird faces, "What's your damage?" 

Hinata hid behind Tanaka, but backed him up like a good wingman. "Got a problem?"

"Wanna knuckle sandwich?" Tanaka popped his knuckles. 

"Yeah! Let's rumble-" Aerial grabbed the back of Hinata's jacket and yoinked him back. She didn't doubt Tanaka's ability to start a fight, but she did doubt his ability to win said fight and not get Hinata dragged in. 

"Ah, come on now. No need to get yourselves all worked up!" Oikawa waved them off, smiling. Oikawa glanced at at Hinata, who was trying to fight Aerial from dragging him away, awkwardly albeit, his arms being forced up and slightly choking him out. 

"And you, short stuff, that one-touch and broad jump were great. You should feel proud." Oikawa took another step forward to the group. Hinata blushed while scratching the back of his head bashfully. 

"And I see you somehow got a girl on the team, and not a bad looking one at that," Oikawa leaned down to be closer to eye-level with Aerial. "Good libero on top of it." he openly checked Aerial out, smirking. 

'Well, at least he has a good eye.'

"I know." Aerial said in a 'duh, I know' tone. Oikawa looked reasonably taken aback, before looking back up the rest of the team. 

"Next time, we should try going all out from the beginning, but don't worry," Oikawa made sure to look at Tsukishima, "We'll be working on perfecting our serves until then." 

"That combination attack is pretty effective, but you're going to run out of steam eventually. You need to improve your receives. After all, I'm not the only one who does power serves. The Inter-High tournaments are coming up, and I want you to make the cut." He took several more steps forward, smug face and arms crossed. 

"Listen carefully, my special protégé, I want to crush you fair and square at a official game where we both play the setter." Oikawa pointed directly as Kageyama. 

Hinata leaned in closer to Aerial's ear. "Kageyama was right, he does have a nasty attitude." said blond snorted, "Yeah, it's almost like the two are related."

After exchanging a couple more taunting words, Oikawa started to walk away before turning quickly and holding out his phone to Aerial. 

"Before I go, mind giving me your number, little cutie?" Oikawa smiled, but like, hotter then his other smiles. Daichi's eyebrow twitched, and looked about reading to force Aerial to run twenty laps. 

"Shit man, I'd literally have to be blind to say no." Aerial snatched his phone and entered her number as quick as she could. Maybe she'd be able to get one text out to him before Daichi murdered her, and Tanaka got sent to jail for attempt of murder against Oikawa. 

Or maybe he'd succeed, you never know. 

Tanaka gritted his teeth so loud it even made Tsukishima verbally cringe. Or maybe he was just disgusted at all the hetero energy occurring. 


"Daichi, calm down. It's not like it's our place to tell Aerial who she can or cannot talk to." Sugawara laughed a little awkwardly, sitting next to the pouting captain. 

"Flirting with the captain of a rival team, I ought to make her run twenty- no, forty- laps!" Daichi grumbled to himself.

Tsukishima, who had been unlucky enough to end up next to Aerial on the bus ride back, decided to drown out her overly chatty self and stare out the window like some cliché protagonist.

Of course, his dramatic peace was rudely interrupted when he felt the force of a body slump against him. His head snapped in the direction so fast, I don't know, but it probably hurt. 

Aerial had just passed out against him, so Tsukishima, not wanting Aerial touching him in general but also not wanting her to wake up, gently nudged her away until she was just leaning against the headrest. 

Her head was obviously bent at a awkward angle from the lack of support, but at least she wasn't touching Tsukishima anymore. 

He went back to listening to his suspiciously sexual songs in peace.


Idk man tell me some pet peeves you have

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