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-And they were roommates

omg they were roommatesss

Srry in advance, this chapter was on a budget of patience


"Aerial!" Sugawara shouted, "Leave Hinata alone! The practice match is starting soon!" 

Aerial was currently chasing Hinata. Holding a girls uniform. While giggling like a maniac. 

"C'mon, Hinata! You'll look so pretty!" Aerial was gaining on Hinata, and fast. 

"Bitch, you first! I've never seen YOU wear a skir-" Hinata, foolishly getting distracted, was then tackled by Aerial. 

"Aerial used tackle." Ennoshita said casually, leaning on a broom stick. 

"It was super effective!" Kinoshita slapped his knee in humor at his own joke. 

"S-someone! Help!" Hinata yelled, expectantly waiting for the boys to help him. 

As soon as he said that, everyone turned away from the commotion. It was clear no one wanted to help Hinata. And or they really just wanted to see him suffer. 

"Hinata! Save yourself the embarrassment of me undressing you, and put this on willingly." Aerial already had Hinata pinned on the floor. She was deceptively strong. 

Ok, not deceptively, she literally showed off her biceps and forming abs every chance she got. Hinata was practically a twig compared to her. 

"Aerial, don't keep him too long. We still have to warm up." Daichi warned. To be honest, Daichi and Sugawara were probably just tired of scolding literally everyone on the team every ten minutes. 

Which, of course led to Aerial calling them the 'parents' of the team, and then she called Daichi 'Daddchi'- it was a mess, really. 

"Yessir!" Aerial beamed, before dragging Hinata off by his feet. 

"I regret ever supporting you to join the team." Hinata mumbled miserably, already having given up on fighting against Aerial. 

Two hours later, Aerial and her team for the practice match were brutally defeated. 

Aerial whole-heartedly blamed the after images of Hinata in a skirt. She was distracted, and Asahi, the ace of their team apparently, packed quite a punch. Also radiated big D energy, but like, in a Fluttershy kind of way. 

There was a ridiculous amount of yelling between Asahi and Nishinoya. Asahi gave Hinata a bloody nose, out of pure will to avenge Hinata, Aerial managed to keep him from scoring five times till Hinata was back in the game. The images came back, Aerial was haunted by them. 

She honestly didn't mind. That was like, the best thing you could be haunted by. 

It was all a very dramatic ordeal. 

An arc the author didn't feel like writing in detail, if you will. 


lol hey :)

uhh so anyway i really didn't want to write this arc, in fact, my will to not write this arc kept me from updating for 2 months lol

so heres a lousy 500 word chapter till my proof readers arise from the dead to respond to my messages lolol

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