4: Crowbar vs. Baseball Bat

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Arturo giving his name away surprised everyone. They had expected a longer wait but were satisfied none the less. Ace gave him the basics and they all decided on watching the news and surf the internet for more information.

"I just talked to mom." Charmaine entered the living room. Arturo and Ace were sprawled over the couch, watching the news and Beau surfed on his laptop.

"What did she say?" Beau spoke, not looking up from his phone.

"She said that they are all still trying to figure out what is going on and that the military might get involved soon."

"What else?"

"Nothing more. Dad is talking to an old military friend but other than that they are all in Naomi's dorm room." Charmaine said and shuffled over to the kitchen.

"Naomi is our sister." Beau answered Ace's questioning eyes. He nodded and continued listening to the news.

"The virus seems to influence its victim's behavior. It is advised not to have contact with them. Any bite or blood contact should be taken to medical assistance immediately." The news reporter spoke from the flat screen. Her sweet voice worried the listeners and they glanced at one another. Seeking for reassurance.

"We all need to check each other for bite marks. We have all had contact with infected people." Charmaine broke the silence first. She crossed her arms and pointed at herself.

"Beau please take a look." And walked towards the bathroom.

"We also need to stock up on supplies because they mentioned that we should stay inside." Ace added. After a couple of minutes Charmaine and Beau left the bathroom. Beckoning the next person. Arturo cursed under his breath but followed. Ace was the last.

After they had all checked on each other they assembled in the kitchen. Ace started to take cups out of the cupboards and poured everyone something to drink. Arturo didn't even bother thanking for his beverage.

"We should split up in two." Beau started.

"Now why the fuck would we do that?" Arturo interrupted with an almost growl sounding gruff.

"I agree with Mr. Grumpypants. Why should we split up? Don't people die that way?" Ace added his 2 cents.

"Shut up and listen! We need to split up. Two go to the nearest shop, we will make a list, and the other two stay here and guard the place." Beau said. He took a sip of his drink and continued. "There's another exit in this apartment."

"Well what do we need?" Ace asked, almost a thrill of excitement in his voice.

"Water, long lasting food, toilet paper, flashlights and basic medicine. Perhaps bandages too." Charmaine spoke while writing the things down.

"And masks." Ace chirped up.

"Fuck no." Arturo countered.

"Didn't you hear the news? The blood also infects people. Masks and goggles will protect our eyes, mouth and nose from the virus." Ace made a point. A good one even, Beau thought to himself.

"We should get some really scary ones too." Ace added, ruining his moment.

After they gathered backpacks and weapons, like a crowbar and the baseball bat, Charmaine and Arturo were sent out to retrieve the supplies. Ace and Beau kept an eye on the infected, while the supply group sneaked out. Ace and Beau continued their information search after the supply group was out of sight.

After a mile of light jogging Charmaine and Arturo finally saw the nearest shop. They almost ran towards the shop when they noticed a group of people standing outside. Firearms firm in their hands. Looters they both thought, they were partially right but also partially wrong.

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