6: I Love You Bro

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How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

- A. A. Milne


It was an abundance of infected. A horde. It was impossible to count how many there were. 100 maybe 500? But how did they manage to sneak up on them? Beau questioned himself. It didn't make sense. Infected weren't smart or were they? When they left the apartment they checked whether there was any in sight. Did they hide and wait until their prey was out in plain sight? It didn't matter either way because the mass of infected were sprinting towards them.

All four of the teenagers screamed and jumped into the pickup truck. They locked the doors, pulled their weapons out and Ace rushed his procedure. Hijacking a car was a lot more difficult than it looked like on TV. But he had done it before.

The horde closed in on the car from all sides. They crawled on top of the car, bashed their heads at the windows and tried to pull the tires out of the car. The wet squelching and hollow screams filled the parking garage. Meanwhile Beau was raking his brain, he simply couldn't comprehend how they used gorilla tactic on them.

Finally, the engine started with a roar. The car vibrated with life and Ace reversed the car. Hitting some of the infected but many were still clinging onto the car. Now that the car was filled with electricity Charmaine opened a window and fought the infected with fire. She had packed a deodorant and a lighter as an experiment. Her theory was proven correct. The infected were afraid of fire. They were still to some degree human and knew that fire would hurt. It's pure instinct.

"I got it!" Beau suddenly spoke up from the shotgun. "Look around! No car has left the damn garage. You would think that neighbors would've left by now, but they didn't. All of them are infected. They were probably sitting in their apartments or something and heard us." He continued. Speaking mostly to himself, but everyone was listening.

"That's dandy and all but could you please stab some of your neighbors? I'm having issues getting us out of here." Ace nervously laughed from the drivers seat. He was right though. They barely moved because the horde was basically stopping the car from moving.

"Where's my fucking bag?!" Arturo demanded. Charmaine shrugged at him until she found it crammed in between her feet. She silently handed him the bag and continued burning the infected with her deo-lighter combi. Beau couldn't believe his eyes when Arturo pulled firework out from his backpack. Arturo met Beau's questioning eyes. "I found them in your bedroom." He answered and opened the window next to him.

"Happy fucking fourth of July, assholes! I hope you all die!" Arturo screamed and closed the window after initiating the firework. The sound and the explosion of the firework did the trick. A stripe of them instantly moved out of the way, startled, scared and dazed. Ace saw the opening and raced through the narrow passage. They all cheered when they managed out of the core of the horde and sped towards the exit of the garage. When they finally exited the garage they only came face to face with another horde of infected.

Ace turned the car towards the opposite direction and stomped on the accelerator. The crowd of infected started to lessen, but there were still far too many. They had to take a different route than planned.

While driving they noticed the fires and corpses on the streets. Flags were burned, infected feeding on the dead, broken stores and abandoned vehicles. Then they came to the inner city. The chaos was unreal. Regular people, regular healthy people were killing each other. They were shooting at one another, stabbing and trying to steal their vehicles. Some were even burned alive. Loud sirens wailed and they saw an ambulance driving straight into a crowd of people. 

2020: The Pandemic - Zombie EditionWhere stories live. Discover now