All Who Wander

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The morning autumn fog surrounded Astoria as she casually strolled down King's Cross Station, pushing her trunk and cage on the cart. Daphne followed close behind her, practically on Astoria's heels. There was a relief in leaving Greengrass Manor. She would not have to watch her mother stay locked in her room clinging to the past, or listen as Daphne attempted to bring back a glory that would most likely never return.

At Hogwarts, the future was in her hands.

Once they'd gone through the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10, Daphne turned to Astoria.

"Oh, good, you do have everything," Daphne said, glancing over the cart again. "I'll look in your room and send you anything you've missed."

"Thank you," Astoria said. She, however, quite frankly wished Daphne wouldn't go into her room. But she knew better than to get in her sister's way.

"Send letters to Mother daily," Daphne said. "You and I both know that she needs our support."

"Wasn't she supposed to stay under house arrest for my support?" Astoria asked, the words slipping out of her mouth before she could stop them.

"Astoria Megaera!" Daphne cried. She looked around wildly, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Don't talk about it so explicitly in public!"

Astoria shrugged. "Daphne, everybody knows. They were part of the Death Eater trials- everybody knows what happened to Mother and Father."

Daphne sighed. "Yes, but- never mind, soon enough you'll grow up and understand. You are not a child anymore. You can't afford to be."

"The last time I got to be a child was eleven years ago!" Astoria snapped.

Daphne grew pale and her dark eyes widened. "Don't be like this," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Astoria took a deep breath, counted to ten, and then released it. "I love you, Daffy. I'll see you during the Christmas holiday."

"Fi cariad i chi chwaer annwyl," Daphne said. I love you, dear sister.

Astoria nodded, squeezed Daphne's hand, and then began loading up her trunk into the luggage cart. She then wandered the train before coming to the compartment where Alice, Astoria, and Luca always sat. She glanced out the window, searching for Daphne, and gave a little wave. Daphne nodded, and then Disapparated, having seen her sister on safely.

The door slid open, and Astoria turned to see Luca Caruso entering the compartment. He was a Slytherin in their year, from a family that traditionally attended Beauxbatons. He wore his dark hair tousled and a charming smile like a fairytale prince. He sat down across from Astoria.

"How was your vacation?" Astoria asked.

"Very good," Luca said, that charming grin already on his face. "I visited the extended family in Italy, toured some of the magical sites. The Italian magical community is quite amazing."

"I'd bet," Astoria said. "A lot of the greatest magicians came from Greece and Rome."

"I'll show pictures," Luca promised. "How was your summer?"

"Locked in the manor," Astoria deadpanned.

Luca winced. "I heard about the case."

"As did everyone else," Astoria said, looking to her shoes.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Astoria said. "They were guilty of the crimes they were accused of."

"That still can't be easy," Luca said.

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