As Lovers Do

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Daphne looked to Astoria. "Would you mind entertaining Draco? Pansy's taking us out to help her shop for dresses. Draco isn't supposed to come, mind you- bad luck if he sees the bride in her dress."

Astoria nodded understandingly. "I'll take care of him."

"Good girl," Daphne said. She placed a hand on Astoria's shoulder and ushered her into the sitting room, where Draco Malfoy sat on the dark green couch, almost hunched over as he balanced his chin on his fists. He looked up as Astoria entered the room. She thought she saw him do a double-take, and gave him a shy smile as her cheeks flushed pink.

She sat down in a chair adjacent to the end of the couch. "Hello, Draco, it's been some time, hasn't it?"

His gray eyes flicked towards her, and he nodded, before looking back into the table.

"I'm Astoria, in case you don't-"

"I remember," he replied quietly. There seemed to be no inflection to his voice, just a statement.

"Oh," she said, shifting her legs as she tried to regain her composure. "I just know that a lot of my older sister's friends couldn't remember my name even if they had a Rememberall just for that purpose!"

"Like Pansy?"

Astoria bit her lip. "Yes."

"It's alright, no need to be shy about it, I know my fiancée's faults," he informed her. He looked back at the table.

"Would you like some tea?" Astoria asked, trying to remain cheerful.

"I'd prefer firewhiskey, if you have it," he said.

"Bit early in the day for that, don't you think?" she said. "Besides, I think Mother drank it all last night."

"Fine, tea then," he grumbled.

"Rhys!" Astoria called. "Could you bring out some rosehip tea please, and those cookies I made last night? Thank you!"

Almost instantaneously, the tea set and the Wishing-Apple cookies appeared on the table. Astoria poured a cup for Draco, and for herself. "Need anything in it?"

He shook his head, and downed the cup. Astoria couldn't help but notice that he still looked plenty gaunt, but at least the tea had returned some color to his face.

"You look like you haven't eaten in a while," she said. "Please, help yourself."

"I'm not hungry," he said. "Haven't been able to eat much."

"Oh, I see, I'd be afraid to try one of my friends' baby sister's cooking too," Astoria said, managing to fake a blush and let her brown curls spill all around her as she looked away. "It's alright, I understand. I just wanted to be helpful, and I know you love apple sweets, but it's alright, I understand completely."

She didn't have to wait a second. He almost immediately grabbed one and took a tentative bite, only for a small smile to emerge on his face. Astoria couldn't help the little smirk that appeared on hers. His gray eyes locked onto it, and Astoria wasn't sure how to decipher those eyes, but held her ground.

"All this time and I thought you weren't cut out for Slytherin at all," he mumbled, before finishing the treat. He already looked all the better for it. "Damn Greengrass."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Astoria said. "I really did want to see you eat something. You've looked ill ever since the end of fourth-year. My fourth that is, it would have been your sixth."

"I suppose I have," he mumbled.

"I just know a lot about being ill all the time, and a sweet has always helped," she added. "Sweets, they always help you make friends!"

Sweets: The Tale of Astoria GreengrassWhere stories live. Discover now