The Eldest Curses

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Astoria awoke to a tap on her shoulder. She opened her eyes to see Queenie and Daphne standing over her bed.

"Today it is your birthday

And we sing to let you know

That you will be queen for the day

Whatever you say goes

We sing because we love you

And we sing to let you know

That you will be queen for the day..."

Astoria smiled and sat up. Daphne presented her with the flower crown, as was the birthday tradition with the two Greengrass daughters. Queenie flicked her wand, and the steaming breakfast of eggs, pancakes, sausages, toast, and strawberries were uncovered for her.

"Thank you," Astoria said, smiling up at her mother. It had been months since Queenie had last acted like a mother. Queenie kissed her cheek, and grinned.

"Happy seventeenth birthday, cariad."

"Thank you, Mother," Astoria said. "Thank you, chwaer annwyl."

"Of course, chwaer annwyl." Daphne said, rubbing Astoria's shoulder. "This is a very special day indeed."

"Eat up," Queenie said. "You'll need your strength for today. And you'll like the surprise that Jupiter brought."

"Jupiter?" Astoria asked. "What-"

"Eat," Daphne ordered.

Astoria obeyed. It was delicious, and made her feel just a little bit stronger and warmer.

Daphne smiled in satisfaction and left the room. Queenie sat down on Astoria's bed, and swiped a strawberry from the tray, like Astoria used to do to Queenie sometimes at breakfast when she was little. Astoria even saw Queenie mimic her mischievous expression. She then fiddled with something within her sleeve.

"Daphne forgot to shop for your watch," Queenie admitted. "Luckily, I've been planning this for some time."

She placed her own gold-plated watch with emerald stars onto Astoria's tray. For the first time since the war, Astoria saw her mother's red-lipped classic smile.

"It's got a few features you might like," Queenie said. She tapped a knob, and the plain face lit up to reveal a backdrop of the Selwyn Castle by the sea in Ireland. Another tap, and the knob gave off an eerie green glow, paler than the emerald as to be distinctive. Then one last tap, and it was back to normal.

Queenie then fastened it around Astoria's wrist. "Hope you like it."

"I do, thank you," Astoria said. She admired it on her wrist for a moment.

Daphne re-entered the room as Astoria grabbed the steaming mug of tea. "Careful."

"When am I not?" Astoria asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.

"More often than is good for you," Daphne muttered under her breath.

After Astoria finished her cup of tea and breakfast, she rose from bed, and let Queenie and Daphne pull her into the living room. It had been decorated with flowers and the like and presents sat on the table.

Astoria sat in the Birthday Throne, an elaborately carved wooden chair that Queenie had commissioned for them when Daphne was still an infant. She was raised slightly higher than in any of the other chairs, and really felt as if she were on top of the world.

"Let's open your presents," Daphne said.

Astoria smiled and looked at the five boxes on the baby blue tablecloth. She opened the first one that Daphne gave her- a set of black lace dress robes. Astoria's jaw dropped. She'd seen Daphne wear a similar dress once, and even her mother- but it was never the sort of dress she wanted to wear.

"Thank you," she said.

"I don't look good in that dress, so I gave it to you," Daphne said. "Don't worry, you'll have just the occasion to wear them to tonight."

"Occasion?" Astoria asked.

"Might as well give her the letter," Queenie said, glancing conspiratorially at Daphne.

"What letter?" Astoria asked.

"It came this morning," Daphne said as she handed an envelope- the seal was already broken- to Astoria. She pulled out the letter and saw the elegant script of Draco Malfoy.

Dear Astoria,

Your sister, Daphne, informed me that it would be your birthday today. I was thinking, if your illness does not ail you too much, that you might like to visit Malfoy Manor. I hope to see you at six this evening. Pansy is visiting family in France.



Astoria looked up to Daphne. "Did you write back a response?"

"Of course! It's an offer you can't refuse!" Queenie cried. "The Malfoy are still walking free, they still have money- because Narcissa lied to the Dark Lord for Draco's sake. They are your ticket, girls, back into society."

"He's engaged to Pansy! I'm not sure-"

"Oh come on, boys and girls can be friends," Daphne laughed. "Unless-"

"Daffy, no! Nothing has happened!" Astoria said quickly, her face turning red. "We're just friends! I know how jealous Pansy is, though-"

"Pansy won't care," Daphne promised. "I'm going with you, after all."

"Oh, thank Merlin," Astoria muttered.

"Anything for the queen," Daphne said with a smile. She leaned back on the sofa. "Open another."

"Okay," Astoria said, eager to move on. She opened the next package, a neat little necklace with a unicorn charm from Alice. She felt touched that Alice remembered her birthday despite all the fighting they'd done over the past semester.

Next was sponsored by Waldorf, according to Queenie. "Your father was very specific as to what he wanted you to have for your seventeenth birthday."

Inside was a little ring shaped like a tiara that had the green stones arranged to make a G. A matching necklace and set of earrings were also in the tiny package. Astoria slipped the ring onto her finger and smiled. It was a perfect fit.

"Now you'll be able to access your inheritance when we leave you," Queenie said.

"Thank you," Astoria said, her eyes misting over. Her parents were flawed people, but she didn't want to think about them dying quite yet. She reached for the next book- a new edition of Candice Calderon's Charming Confections. The final package held more clothes- ones that were much more Astoria's style- feminine, simplistic, and classy.

"Thank you for everything," Astoria said.

"Of course, Queen Tori," Daphne said.

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